TBTB DFY 24 - Healthy Living


Join us in this captivating episode as Dr. Frederick Schurger and Dr. Beth Bagley delve into the daily routines and transformative healthy practices. They discuss a diverse range of strategies, including invigorating workouts, nourishing meals, and essential supplements, all geared toward enhancing overall well-being. The doctors share their personal daily routines as well as some experiences of their patients. Not only do they give some good ideas to improve health, but they also emphasize the significance of simple, accessible, and FREE solutions. Discover a treasure trove of super easy and cost-free suggestions that will empower you to kick-start your personal journey toward optimal health. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to embark on a remarkable journey toward lasting wellness!


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Healthy Routines For Healthy Living

Our Health Routines & Supplements

How are you doing, doc?

I am doing good. In fact, we were discussing how we’re going to do the show, but I’m going to start with a fun little aside. We’re going to talk a little bit about health routines and things like that. I went to do my workout, and my low back said, “You shouldn’t do more than that. That’s enough.”

Did you listen?

I did. I immediately texted Dr. Shiloh, your former associate who is now on the other side of Illinois, as she’s getting her practice set up. I said, “By chance, do you want to come to Springfield tomorrow and get adjusted and adjust me?” She says, “Yes.”

Did you see her?

Yes. She got me adjusted and I was able to get back to normal and back to balance. We’re going to joke about that a little bit as well.

We do need to have her on the show sometime in the next few times because she has an amazing chiropractic story.

She’s going to have a great practice. For those who are over on the east side of Illinois, towards Marshall and Macomb, we’re going to make sure she takes good care of you because she’s excellent. In any case, you said you had a testimonial that you wanted to share.

I did. This gentleman had come in. I’ve seen him for years. He has debilitating chronic headaches and still gets headaches. What he told me was his wife often asks him like, “How are you doing? Is it helping? Are you getting helped?” He summers out of town so we don’t see him during the summer. When we do see him, what he now is noticing is he used to not be able to even complete a workout without getting a horrible headache. It would stop him from working out and meeting his health goals there.

Now he works out almost every day and does not get a headache. He might get one later in the day. Sometimes there are good days and bad days. That is such a win for him. He’s able to complete workouts where he wasn’t able to do that before and taking less medication. It’s not zero medication. I’d love for it to be zero medication, but we have to live in reality, and sometimes we’re not going to get that. He’s super happy where he is, and he was holding his adjustment.

We have to start somewhere. Most people think it’s like, “Wouldn’t it be great if everything got taken care of all of a sudden you could lift that weight that you’ve been fantasizing about?” It’s like, “That’s my goal weight.” You can’t do that on day one in the gym. You got to take your time. You got to start with where you are and progress to where you want to go. We’ll come back to that because I think that will be a theme.



I will hit that theme of progressing to your goal and setting up systems to make that periodically throughout this episode. This is funny. I have a patient who’s been a patient since 2022. He does great. He’s a former Marine. He had an accident while he was serving over in Afghanistan that pretty much has left him in a world of hurt, similar to bad migraines, lots of dizziness, and lots of stuff.

He decides he wants to go down to see this. Dr. Hauser in Florida who’s a medical doctor who does all of these tests to get a better sense of what’s going on with people. He does prolotherapy as a conjunction of things. I’ve heard good things, and if people are looking for something on the medical route or looking for another validation point, Dr. Hauser is a great reference.

Anyways, he decided that he was going to take a month off of care so that he could go down to present at his worst. I don’t know if he’s ever going to do that again because we got him adjusted on a Monday and he said he went through some weird healing right off the bat. He is like, “This is very uncomfortable.” He slept from something like 7:00 or 8:00 PM on Monday night to 2:00 PM the next afternoon. Folks, depending upon how you present and how your case is, you may want to not take that much time off.

Especially if you have a chronic long-term thing.

A lot of other health issues are associated with that.

One of the things you were telling me is that we have never gone over what our health regimen is and what we have changed in our lives. Maybe supplements, products, workouts, or eating. We’ve gone over eating a little bit, but I put together a presentation. Do you have something to show beforehand or do you want to do it?

I’ll do it after.

This is Dr. Beth Bagley’s favorite health tips and things. If you’re reading this, I will be explaining all of it. There are some pictures, but you don’t need to see them. I have a disclaimer. The disclaimer is that don’t think you have to change everything at once. The changes that I made and Dr. Schurger has made in our lives came one thing at a time. Sometimes it seems overwhelming when people are like, “You’re doing this wrong, you’re doing this wrong, and you’re doing this wrong.” One of my patients said, “Everything’s wrong. You’re going to see I’m a mess, and I keep doing everything.” She was overwhelmed with how many things were going wrong in her life and everything.

I was like, “You’re doing one right thing right now as you walked into our office. You’re here getting checked. With that, you’ll be able to handle the stress of what’s going on a little bit better.” If the number one thing you need to do now is to walk into an upper cervical office, know we’re here for you in the Midwest. If you need help finding one, we will help you find somebody. Give us a call, shoot us an email, or find us on our websites.



First things first, I’ve got a couple of ones to talk to of talk about the morning routine. Obviously, we wake up. One of the things I didn’t put on here is I use a pillow type called the Therapeutica. Not everybody loves this pillow. You might want to look it up on Amazon. It comes in different sizes and it has drastically helped me hold my adjustments better. It allows me to back sleep and side sleep. It’s about the ugliest pillow you could ever buy.

It is. The other problem with a Therapeutica pillow is it is not great for cuddling.

No, it’s terrible.

It is absolutely terrible because you can’t cuddle with your significant other properly. My wife and I have both had them. She uses them less. There’s no place to put your head in a comfortable position if you want to try that. It doesn’t work.

I’m okay with it because I don’t like to be breathed on when I sleep.

I can see that about you.

Don’t touch me. Don’t cuddle. No, I want to sleep. We can cuddle on the couch. When I’m in bed, I want to sleep. When I wake up, I’m usually on my side and I’m waking up from a position where my head has been in a balanced position all night because one of my goals with my health is to help maintain my upper cervical alignment, which I’ve been doing a pretty good job of. The other thing I have next to me is water. I usually have one of these water bottles. I know it’s plastic, don’t yell at me, but it has good water in it and we’ll talk about that later. I try to drink water right when I wake up. Sometimes if I wake up to go to the bathroom in the morning, I’m trying to drink part of my water bottle beforehand because I want to start my day hydrated somewhat.

It’s not a good thing to drink water right before you go to bed. I don’t drink right before bed because then I have to get up and pee in the middle of the night. That’s not good for sleep. When I go in to brush my teeth, I’ve changed. One of the things that I used to use was fluoride toothpaste. I’ve done a lot of research, and I think Dr. Schurger has too, on the types of things that fluoride can do to our nervous system.

It's not a good thing to drink water right before you go to bed. Click To Tweet

I choose not to use fluoride toothpaste, but I have started using nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste. The one I use is called Boka. If you look up hydroxyapatite toothpaste, there are ten different brands of it now. According to at least what the people who are selling it say, it’s been used in Japan for many years instead of fluoride and they have less tooth decay. Since I’ve been using it for the last five years, I have barely anything wrong with my teeth. I do like that type of toothpaste. The kind that I use is Boka. There are other brands too. Makeup, so Dr. Schurger, do you have any comments about makeup?

I don’t wear it.

I try to use more natural makeup. I don’t always. I’m not perfect. I don’t expect anybody to be perfect. I have found a type of makeup from Beautycounter, which is that somebody will sell. It’s like Mary Kay or Avon or whatever. Beautycounter is a newer group and they use a lot of more natural products that are not harmful to toxicity and that kind of thing. The person I bought from is also my trainer, which we’ll go over in a second.

Her name’s Natali Kummer. It is NataliKummer.com. I’m giving her a little shout-out. Her training stuff is on there, but also you can get to her Beautycounter. If you’re looking for a rep for that, there’s somebody you can go to. Moving on to deodorant, this is another thing I changed. When I was in chiropractic school, I had never ever even thought about deodorant being bad for you. I come to find out that I was using regular deodorant. One of my friends was like, “What are you using?” I had no idea that antiperspirants could be bad. I did the research and realized that I don’t like the idea of putting types of aluminum in my skin and then stopping sweat from coming out. I started using more natural deodorant.

Beautycounter has one that I like. Also, at the store, you can find Schmidt’s. There are lots of different flavors. Don’t eat it. There are lots of different scents. Rose and vanilla are the ones that I like the best. I put that on there too. Now here’s another one you probably know a lot about. It’s menstrual cups. Do you know a lot about those?

I’ve got nothing.

I do want to bring it up. Some men will be like, “I don’t want to hear it,” but if you ever have daughters, this is something that you need to know. Menstrual cups are an alternative to tampons. Tampons will keep the flow inside and then sometimes cause cramping to get worse, increasing the risk of yeast infections, and there’s the risk of Toxic Shock syndrome, which is a bacterial infection that can kill you.

We don’t like any of those things. Menstrual cups are an amazing newer thing. It’s been around for quite a while now. It does go inside, but what it does is it doesn’t absorb. It holds. You only need to take it out twice a day when you’re on your period. I usually do it 3 or 4 times a day because I go and pee anyway. I know it’s gross, but you either flop it back in or rinse it out and put it back in if you’re able to do that. They last for years. It’s pretty great. I like the ones that are made out of silicone. I did have one time that was made out of latex. I don’t recommend that.

Especially if you have latex allergies.

I found out that I do. It’s not severe, but not great. The product is amazing. First of all, you’re putting less stress on the environment because you’re not using these throwaway products. It’s healthier and it can decrease menstrual cramps and the other things that we talked about. Look those up, menstrual cups. There are tons of different varieties of those.

On topics that I know nothing about but I’ve heard peripherally, aren’t there a lot of problems with tampons and pads as far as some of the stuff that is in those materials?

You can get more natural pads and tampons that have natural cotton and that kind of stuff. Typically, some of them have scents and fragrances. Some of them have toxic ingredients, and you have that right up against your skin or have it inside of you and that absorbs into your body. What’s great about the silicone cup is it’s very inert. That’s highly recommended. At least try it out. To be honest, it changed my life. When my period started, I hate everything. It sucks. Now it’s like, “No big deal.” It’s the other part of it, and it’s not gross.

Another thing I wear is compression socks. On my long days at work, I will wear compression socks. What that does is it helps with my blood flow. I’m very tall and a little bit overweight now, which I’m working on. In general, my feet will start swelling. It started after I had the babies. Now that my kids are older, I’m still getting swelling in my feet after a long day.

You have a very hard concrete floor in your office. It’s a slab all the way back until you decide that you want rubberized flooring all the way through that.

I don’t want it. I think it looks bad. I’m okay with the compression socks. They help me, and I have more energy when I wear them. I’d probably also wear them on a long trip if I was going to Europe or something like that. I know a lot of nurses wear them, so if you do have a job where you’re on your feet for a long period of time and your feet swell or you are starting to get achy in your legs, sometimes that can be helpful.

The last thing I do in my morning routine is drink tea. I love drinking tea in the morning. I am not a coffee drinker. I’m not against coffee. I just don’t like it. Don’t judge me, Dr. Schurger. He loves coffee. Tea is my drink of choice. Getting into supplements, I usually put two scoops of collagen powder in my tea. I taste it a little bit, but I don’t taste that much. I feel like I’m at least doing something. I consider that in a fasted state even though collagen powder does have some calories in it.

It’s a protein, technically.

I’ve never seen it spike my blood sugar, but I think that it helps me and I want to keep doing it. That’s one way I can get it in the morning. It doesn’t make my stomach hurt. I cannot take pill supplements on an empty stomach. That will give me a stomachache every time. I don’t take them until lunchtime. Moving on to lunch, I bring my lunch to work. A healthy thing that we can do is make a little extra in our healthy dinners and pack it and bring it like I did. I brought it and ate it for lunch, and it was delicious. I also bring my supplements to work, if I remember. Sometimes I forget and I take them at night, but I like to take my supplements with lunch. Typically, I let you go over supplements. You’re way bigger into those. A multivitamin I usually use is orthomolecular alpha base and then some Omega. I have a couple of extra ones for metabolism.

Water drink, we talked about my first drink of the day starting when I get out of bed. I try to get a good amount. When I get to work, I try to drink two of these while I’m at work. They’re 32 ounces, I believe. I’m getting at least most of my drinks done. I still have that much left before we leave. I do think the quality of water is important to talk about. I try not to drink too much bottled water because of the plastic that it’s been sitting in for a long time. Why I don’t bother worrying about this is I do know this is BPA-free, at least.

The quality of water is important. Try not to drink too much bottled water because of the plastic that it's been sitting in for a long time. Click To Tweet

It doesn’t sit in here all day. It sits in here for half a day, not for six months, or it’s not been in hot sun. I wouldn’t drink this if it’s been sitting in the hot sun in my car. I use reverse osmosis at my house for filtration. I find that the water tastes better and I feel like it’s the right thing for my family. I know it’s an expense. That’s one of those things that’s in the disclaimer. You can’t do it all at once, but know that this is one of the things you can do. Pick one at a time and change one thing at a time. What do you use for water filtration?

We have a reverse osmosis product. It’s a commercial-grade product that we’ve been renting or leasing for years because, before that, we had already been drinking lots of water. I found that I was doing better when I started drinking Vitamin water. Don’t ask how many cases of Vitamin water we were going through a month because both my wife and I were drinking it.

At a certain point in time, I looked at it and it wasn’t as available at Sam’s. We’re like, “Can we just do this?” That’s what we do now. I’ve got that here in the office. I’ve got a local water company that drops off water bottles that are filtered and all of that fun stuff. Think about what are the easiest things that you can start cranking out half of your body weight in ounces. That’s how much water you should be using as a goal for drinking more as we get into the summer months, certainly, with physical activity.

Put that in perspective. If someone weighs 200 pounds, that means drinking 100 ounces of water. This is 32 ounces. It would be about three of these a day, which is why I start in the morning

Bringing your lunch to work is a great idea for two reasons. 1) You get to cook healthy food. 2) You know what’s in it. The other side of that is you don’t walk across the street to the barbecue place that I love coming to when I’m coming down to visit and have $35 for lunch. It’s easy to do that, especially with food prices now. You’ve got to be a little bit mindful of that.

Saving money is part of it too. Also, I know how much I put in there and I eat the whole thing. I don’t have any leftovers, so it’s all I needed to eat and I’m still full. Nighttime routine, if it isn’t a gym day or a personal trainer day, I will go for a walk. Sometimes it’s not a very hefty walk because I’m tired at the end of the day, but it is a walk. I don’t work out in the morning. I know morning routines are important for some people to work out. That will devastate my body if I work out in the morning. That’s just me.

For you, that walk can be as simple as from your house to your stop sign because I look at that hill and I’m like, “That’s a rough hill to walk up.”

It is. I like walking down at the end.

It’s still a rough hill to walk down because it isn’t an easy slope. Even if you did that once, that’s a good start for you.

The thing is if you are having trouble getting started, start off walking outside up and down your street a couple of times or once. Start a workout or a walk. It’s amazing what that will do for your mental health and physical health. The walk sometimes is more about mental health than it is about physical health for me. I try to stop eating at 8:30 because nothing good happens after 8:30 with food going in my body.

Just start a workout. Just start a walk. It's amazing what that'll do for your mental health and physical health. Click To Tweet

If I stop eating at 8:30 and I want ice cream at 9:00, which I wouldn’t do, but let’s say I did, I’m not expending any more energy for the day, so that ice cream is going to go straight to fat. It’s not like if I was going to eat ice cream and then go run a marathon, I’d say eat your ice cream if you want to run a marathon because it will get used up like that. At 8:30 at night, 9:30, or whatever, when the ice cream tastes the most delicious, that’s not the time to put calories or anything in your body. You’ll also sleep better on a more empty stomach.

I try to finish my water goal right around the 8:30 mark because I don’t want to drink too much more after then because I don’t want to wake up to pee. I put my water next to the bed. I journal, pray, read the Bible, whatever I want to do at night. I have a whole bunch of Beautycounter stuff I’ll put on my face, like eye creams and facial masks. I have my last fun tip and then I’m done. I don’t know if you have any patients that use Botox for cosmetic purposes. Do you?

I know several that do.

I have some good friends that do too. No judgment. You do you. I’m not going to put toxins in my face. I know some people need to do it for migraine relief and that does help them too. I highly recommend getting upper cervical care first before you start putting toxins in your muscles and face. I found a product called Frownies. It looks funny. I get made fun of by my family because there’s this thing called the elevens, which are these two lines that line up between your eyebrows. On men, you’re expected to have them, and it’s fine. On women, it makes you look old.

The wrinkles in men make them look distinguished. For women, that’s not our thing. One of the things is instead of injecting Botox right into the face, I put these little things that make me look like Klingon on my forehead. I have a Klingon look. They’re a little sticky. They are almost like it’s craft paper with adhesive on the back. You wet it down and it gets wet or it gets sticky and then you put a little triangle on your frown lines. It hardens into a hardened paper, like a paper mache feeling. I sleep with it almost every night. I know it sounds silly, but it’s totally natural and it’s not going to add any toxins to my face.

I’m very excited about that. Frownies is one of the things I’ve found, and I have noticed a difference with what’s called the elevens. I don’t have elevens. Those are my tips and tricks on things. There are lots of other things, but these are some of the fun ones that I thought would be fun. Don’t think you have to change all of them all at once. You don’t have to. Do one thing at a time.

Look at the ones that are going to give you the best bang for your buck. What is free? Drinking water is free. Can you and I go back and forth on why tap water has problems? Absolutely.

If you’ve been drinking soda and you move to tap, I’d much rather you drink tap water than soda.

Walking is free. Quite honestly, there are more people in the fitness space that say, “Abs are made in the kitchen.” The other thing you need to do is you need to get more activity in your daily life and walking because it’s low stress. In fact, I heard this, and it finally made sense. Walking will burn more fat than your workout will because your workout is demanding glucose and glycogen stores immediately.

You need to get more activity in your daily life and walking because it's low stress. Click To Tweet

You do your workout and you decide to have that pint of ice cream, it’s not going to kill you, but you’re not going to burn fat from that. You’re going to burn the glucose that you needed for that workout. For a walk, most people are able to go for a nice walk and if you’re not, find yourself a good park to walk around for a little bit. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Five minutes after you eat your dinner, walk until your alarm goes off and then turn around.

One of the other things I have patients tell me in the winter is that they can’t go for a walk or they’re afraid of the ice, or, “If you don’t live in a good neighborhood, you don’t want to go walk.” Guess what? There is this thing called YouTube. You can look up walking videos where it’s like walking in your living room. They’re fun.

You did the 75 Hard.

I walked outside for that, though.

You were doing that in the cold around your office.

Around my office or at home, sometimes at nighttime.

There were a couple of those days when it was bitter cold.

No, I had a parka on.

It was cold.

You still get warm in a parka. Leslie Sansone, there are tons of videos of her. That’s something that if you have a patient or if you are reading and you are afraid to get outside, fall outside, or you don’t want to go outside, this is an option for you too. There’s no excuse. It’s free. If you can read this, you can be reading and walking away the pounds or whatever she calls it. It’s cute.

We’ll switch over to my list because, quite honestly, everything you’re doing, I do a lot of those things. Clearly, not all of them.

It’s because you don’t have lady parts.

I don’t. In fact, one of the things is getting up and drinking water first thing in the morning is excellent. It is one of those free things you can do that will rehydrate you and get things moving faster. I’m not going to pretend I don’t love my coffee in the morning. That’s one of the first things I do. I do a French press. I grind my own beans with a hand grinder every morning. It’s a nice routine. It sets my day because it’s setting that pace. It’s like, “I can do this. The coffee is ground.” I put stuff in and I do put some supplements in my coffee. I’ve been holding off on collagen protein until the evening because of the fasting. I’m like, “Let’s see where I can put it.”

I know I’m not officially fasting when I put them in there, but I’m still not eating food.

It’s a little different in that case as well because collagen is an interesting protein in general and some of the benefits you get from it. It might be immediately absorbed by most people. I’ll come back around to that because I’ve added something new that I’m back and forth on. I’m not 100% certain I like the way I’m doing it. I throw supplements in my coffee, and some of them make it bitterer. I’ve got a couple of things to help get me moving in the morning and get things excited and going. One of the supplements that I like as a person with boy parts, I like Tongkat Ali. This is the standard process version. This one’s nice because this one will kick up everything.

It’s more colloquially known as Longjack. It’s got a lot of different names. In fact, I saw something that said it was Malaysian ginger. I like it because it does help boost testosterone naturally. My goal in my morning routine is after I’ve had my coffee, I do some reading. I like to get my workout going. As I get my workout going, I want that extra boost of testosterone. Apparently, it’s also cortisol balancing too. There are lots of good benefits there. I take that. A couple of other things are I take some boron, which is good for testosterone purposes. I always use creatine every morning. Creatine is probably the most studied and valid supplement that’s out there. There are a couple of other things I might throw.

Creatine, I usually hear that around muscle building.

You hear it around muscle building, but what we’re finding is there are a lot of cognitive benefits with creatine. The list goes on and on of the things that it’s good for. It will help give you more energy because it’s part of the ATP cycle.

Is that something you would recommend for women too?

I would recommend it to every person on the planet.

I think I might try it.

It’s so simple. Creatine, there was a weirdness in 2022 that it wasn’t in stock. I don’t know if that’s still the case now. You don’t have to get into fancy creatines. Get powdered creatine and throw a teaspoon into water. It’s fairly innocuous. I throw it in my coffee.

If I put it in my tea, you don’t think I would taste it more or too much?

No, you wouldn’t notice it at all. We’ll talk about glycine in a little bit, but we’ll come back around to that because you will be adding glycine to your tea after we finish up. That’s my morning routine. One of my patients asked me, “Am I rehabbing anything? Do I have any aches and pains now?” I’m like, “Aside from my low back giving me grief and not letting me work out, no.”

My goal now is to be stupid strong and be able to do whatever I want to do for as long as I can. I’ve been living by the model Live Long Die Strong because when I’m going to kick it, I’m going to kick it fast. I don’t want to stick around. For my kettlebell routines, I’m going to do one more week of what I’ve been doing because I didn’t get all my reps in the three-week period that I was looking at. I’m doing kettlebell snatches now, and I’m going to switch over to an endurance routine to see if I can’t burn some of this stubborn belly fat that has been plaguing me forever. That’s most mornings when I’m working out about three days a week.

Real quick, for someone reading who’s never heard of a kettlebell, could you explain what that is?

It is a cannonball with a handle.

It’s heavy. It’s metal. It is exactly what he said.

It’s an implement of fat destruction. I love them. Getting back to that progression and how we got to start somewhere, as a man, they say, “Where do you start with the weights?” When you’re weightlifting weights, you don’t think of ballistic exercises like the Olympic lifts, but the kettlebells lend themselves to the Olympic lifts. You got to figure out light so that you know how to figure out your form and train yourself to know how to do these exercises properly because it is not impossible to hurt yourself with the kettlebell. If you’re doing things wrong, it’s easy.

You have to figure out your form and train yourself to know how to do exercises properly. Click To Tweet

A couple of years ago, it would’ve been pre-COVID. I was having a lot of problems lifting some of these weights one-handed. Now I’m throwing the 53 pounds overhead like it’s nothing. Some days, it’s easier than others, but it is always progress. I did this same routine that I’m doing now with a 44-pound kettlebell. Even before that, I was using one that was 35 pounds. Work your way up, try and try a lightweight, and see how it feels. Slowly you work your way up to heavier and heavier weights. Part of my routine now also includes something called a Turkish get-up. It’s probably one of the best exercises for mobility.

I had a patient in, and I’m like, “Let’s do this stretch. We’re going to get you down on the floor so that you can kneel and get your arm up against the wall.” He was using all four points to get down because he’s so tight and not mobile. He’s a big strong man, and he doesn’t have the mobility. I started doing Turkish get-ups because I was feeling that lack of mobility from my previous routine. I started doing the get-ups and, immediately, that day, I felt better mobility. I felt things were moving the way they were supposed to be. There are plenty of videos out there on Turkish get-ups. We may showcase some videos later.

The one thing I’ll say about a Turkish get-up is also don’t be afraid to do one without weight at first. You’re just going through the motion. You start off with your arm up in the air and on your back. Keep a fist or your hand up in the air and then do the motion through that. That’s how I learned to do them. Sometimes the motion itself isn’t easy to remember.

It is learning how to get up from the floor but with only one hand. In fact, there is a version of the Turkish get-up that is a straight role that a lot of military folks will train with because they’ll have their weapon on them and they’ll be laying on their back. They have to be standing immediately. They’ll do a variation of a Turkish get-up to get up to a standing position with all their gear on. This gets down to a mobility drill and how can you move and get up off the floor because, at some point in time, we may all be on the floor and we don’t want to be stuck and have to hit the little button.

A few of my patients, they are stuck there until somebody comes over.

It’s bad when you can’t reach your cell phone and watch YouTube videos to get advice on how to get up as opposed to calling for help. Now, I’m doing my kettlebell snatches 3 days a week, 2 days a week if I’m good. I will get a get-up routine plus some ancillary exercises in on that. That brings me to lunch on most days because these are days when I’m generally not in the office. Not necessarily. They move around a lot. At lunch is when I’ll take my supplements. I’m on the carnivore diet. Lunch is very commonly anywhere from a pound to a pound and a half of meat in various forms.

Half a pound of that, oftentimes either a liver or a braunschweiger because I want a bunch of nutrition fast. There’s nothing like liver or braunschweiger. It’s awesome. I do have a handful of supplements that I continue to take on my non-training days, my recovery days. I will take NAC both for breakfast and lunch. Apparently, NAC is great. This fuels your antioxidant, glutathione. We don’t make vitamin C. We make glutathione. This helps get that working better. This is an antioxidant precursor also used for aspirin toxicity in hospitals.

I think it is Tylenol.

You’re correct. Thank you. A lot of people who are wine tasters love to do this.

They do it for fun.

They will take this to help combat any liver issues that they’re going to have later on.

Not that I drink very often. I don’t, and Dr. Schurger almost never drinks. No matter what, if I know I’m going out with friends and I’m going to have a couple of drinks, I will take that supplement before I start drinking because I have not had a hangover since then. I do also drink water and all the things to combat the hangover, but that supplement is unbelievable. It’s a miracle.

The other things that I take regularly are some zinc supplements. I take these with lunch. Why do I like zinc? I like zinc somewhere in the ballpark of 50 milligrams a day because Charles Poliquin said zinc is necessary for all male hormones to work properly. Charles Poliquin was probably one of the best trainers when he was alive. A lot of people have suggested that we’d lost an amazing resource because that man trained more Olympic athletes to gold medals and to medaling consistently than anybody else out there.

He knew stuff. Charles says 50 milligrams for men. Regardless of what your state or your country or your region says what is normal for a man, 50 milligrams is normal for a man. The joke was Canada had 50 milligrams as their requirement for men to have proper function. The UK’s requirement was ten. Technically, British men in Canada were not real men.

That’s okay. I’ve heard that too. Sorry for Canadians Brits that are reading. It’s a joke.

Here is the other one that I like and I don’t know why I was having this problem with carnivore, but I’ve had it on and off. I get this weird buildup behind my lower teeth. It’s like a mineral buildup. It is gross and annoying because it’ll start cutting my tongue because of that buildup. The thing that broke it up first was Phosfood Liquid. It’s phosphorus and we need a lot of phosphorus in our diet, but unfortunately, our food is depleted of a lot of phosphorus. I will take Phosfood Liquid, especially if I get that buildup going there. It breaks that up within about a day and I’m back to regular teeth. What it’s also doing is it’s converting your calcium into a more liquid form. Calcium food wafers, I’ll take three of these every day so that I get my calcium. Do I have any B vitamins in this? Not really.

Because you take that, it makes you not a carnivore. I’m just letting you know.

You’re right. I’ve got a few things that I find that I need beyond being strict. I like this, and it tastes good. I chew them. It’s my little bit of a sweet tooth because it’s there. That’s that. Usually, if that’s lunch, I do some stuff in the afternoon. Sometimes I’ll see patients. Sometimes I’m getting other stuff done. Dinner, it’s eggs and bacon.

The one time that I stayed at your house when we were having a seminar, you had a big steak.

It was meat. It was steak and steak back then.

There were eggs too. You did steak and eggs.

That’s been a long time.

It was a long time ago that I was there.

I know. It’s been a while. I’ve been more eggs and bacon because it’s simple. It’s nothing fancy.

How do you cook your bacon? Is it just in the skillet?

I’ll dice it up and throw it into the skillet. I let that render and then throw my egg whites in there. I mix all of that back into the yolks that are in my bowl so that the yolks cook only with the heat off the heat. That way, I get runny yolks. At dinner, I’ll take this mag team.

What’s that?

These are Magnesium 3 and 8. This helps me get better sleep at night. It pops up in my HRV, generally. The other thing that I’ve been experimenting with, getting back to the collagen, is I’ve been experimenting with a version of hot chocolate, but as a sweetener, I’m using glycine. Glycine is interesting because glycine is a 1:1 exchange for sugar. Glycine boosts collagen synthesis because it’s one of the main amino acids in collagen, yet we need a lot.

We make three grams of glycine a day. The average person who’s got good methylation probably needs another 10 to 12 grams daily. Methylation is one of those big buzzwords. Some people can utilize anywhere from 50 to 60 grams per day to get things healthy. It helps clean up the gut. It doesn’t increase blood sugar. In fact, if anything, it helps pull blood sugar in by making insulin work better. It’s super sweet. It is as sweet as sugar. You take a tablespoon of that.

Is it a powder or a liquid?

I’m using a powder now. I’ve been told there might be some problems with where you source the powders because some powders are better than others. There’s a buyer. Beware of that. I’m not saying that I’ve got a good brand here, there, or the other.

Is that something I could pick up on Amazon?

No, I picked up a bag of it from BulkSupplements. You could probably run down to your local health food store and find it there on one of their shelves. It’s pretty common. All of this stuff predicates that my head’s on straight and everything works the way it’s supposed to. I’ve had days where I’ve had to come on down to see you where I was able to do my workout, but I knew I was out of adjustment. That’s not uncommon. I have a day on Sunday where I go to do my kettlebell swings and I’m like, “That’s tight. I’ll go back into my hinge so that I can get my hip mobility going where it’s supposed to. I’ve stretched a little bit. I’m going to take my time with this. Let’s do another set. That’s not better. Let’s do one more set. It’s better.”

In my head, it’s not. I do my first set of snatches and put the bell down. On Sunday, it was heavy. That’s supposed to be a fifteen rep per arms day. That’s a lot. When I go up to this next routine, it’s pushing 20 to 30. It’s an endurance thing, and that’s an endurance game at that point in time. If I have something that doesn’t feel good, I don’t want to play into endurance. Sure enough, that leads to other problems. In fact, I had one of my nuns come in, and she’s like, “I know that I’m out of adjustment because my balance is off.” That immediately made me think of this silly little video. It’s from Rick and Morty season three about true level.

The funny is that I have some patients that do a lot of yoga, and I love that for them, but a lot of them are very aware of their body balance. If it’s been out for a while and then they do yoga and they’re in alignment, yoga practice isn’t easy either. They know staying in alignment is a huge deal for them. The yoga teachers know it too.

This is one of those things where until you’ve experienced true level, you’re like, “It doesn’t have to be that good.” Until you’ve experienced being in proper alignment, you don’t even know what you don’t know about being in a good place. I know guys who are like, “That was good enough.” They could have worked out where I was and paid for it the next day, probably. I can’t express this. Quite honestly, this Rick and Morty cartoon expresses it better than I’ve seen anything else about what it feels like to have your head on straight. When it goes out of place, it’s a mess and you’re miserable. In fact, as we’ve discussed in the past, that time after I had that car accident back in ‘17 and I was a mess, prior to that, I was feeling so good.

When your head goes out of place, it's a mess. And you're miserable. Click To Tweet

You were at true level.

I was at true level and doing amazing. What are the basics? What are the simple things you can start with that will get you to the next level or at least get you going the way you’re supposed to? We can agree that drinking water is simple. Do you need all these supplements? Not at the beginning. If you wanted one supplement that’s going to give you a bang for your buck, creatine is going to be my first and foremost.

Even before that, eat more protein. Get your protein level up. Those are the basics. I had a patient come in who was telling me about Dr. Amon. Are you familiar with him? He does all the spec scans out in California and he’s doing amazing work. I think he’s a clinical psychiatrist. He’s looking into the brain and asking the question, “What’s happening in the brain in these people who have this condition? When we give them this medication, what happens with these people?”

He’s asking the tough questions and oftentimes finding that the medication doesn’t do what it says it does, etc. She wants one of these scans to figure out what’s going on with her. I’m like, “Who’s going to do this in our area?” She’s like, “I don’t know.” I’m like, “How much is it going to cost?” I might be mixing this with a functional MRI, and I think I am, but the spec machine is not an inexpensive machine to run daily.

One of them, either the spec machine or the functional MRI, takes a day to change to a different chemical. They almost always keep it at glucose that they’re measuring. If it’s $1 million a day just to run that thing, or maybe it’s $100,000 a day, it is a lot of money. If you’re down a day to change another chemical and then you have another day to change back, that’s two days of being down that you’re not being able to functionally work. That’s why they almost always stay at the same thing. It’s stupidly expensive for some of these tests that may not tell you anything more or different about what’s going on with what you’re doing. Sometimes the simple answer is, “I want to lose weight, but I need to figure out where my body composition is.” No, just go for a walk. Eat more protein and drink some water.

Do it every day. Some days you’re going to screw up. Do it every day anyway.

When I start showing people how to do stretches, and maybe they don’t come back in for another month, I want them to do the stretch even if they’re doing it wrong because if you do it every day, you might figure out what you’re doing wrong. When you come on back, you’re going to say, “Doc, I don’t know if I’m doing this right.” You show me, and I’m like, “No, that looks good.”

You’ve now made a habit out of it.

That is the bigger thing. The habit is what I want them to encapsulate. If they don’t get their habit going, then you’re not going to get to the end goal. The goal is nice, but the system is what makes things better. It will keep you there. People want to say, “I’m going to get to the finish line.” We’re doing this at the end of May 2023, and everyone is graduating and are like, “I got finals tomorrow. I’m going to get done with my finals, and I’m going to be done with school.” You’re not done with school because then you’ve got next year, or you graduated from high school to college, or you went from college to work. There’s always a process. These things and habits that we’re talking about are things that will keep you until you are done and until you have decided to die strong. That’s hopefully a long way off for both of us.


TBTB DFY 24 - Healthy Living


Everybody reading, we should make shirts that say, “Die Strong.”

That’s what I wanted to have. I lived long and I will die strong. I’ve been thinking about that myself.

It’s neat.

We need to make those shirts.

The Bald and The Blonde. The Blonde and the Bald. Which way is it?

I believe we start with The Blonde.

That’s right. The most important goes first.

If you’ve searched for us and you’ve put the bald first, you’re not going to find the right show. Ladies first, as they should be. Make your habits. Start your habits. Figure out what the simple things are. If you learned 1 or 2 ideas from us in this episode, write them down and say, “I like that. I can do that.”

Implement it. Even if it’s tonight, you are now going to put water next to your bed. The first thing you do when you wake up before you even get out of bed to go to the bathroom is you drink half your thing of water. Before you walk downstairs or to wherever your kitchen is, you drink the other half.

Tony Robbins, who has been getting people to set their goals, reach their goals, and things like that has been saying take action now. The thing you can do right now will be something that will stick with you and you’ll feel like you’ve achieved something already.

“I’ll do it tomorrow.”

No. I have a list of things that I have to do tomorrow.

I got a long list of things I got to do tomorrow. We do what we can every day. The hard stuff will come. Do the easy stuff first. You’ve got this.


TBTB DFY 24 - Healthy Living


Dr. Bagley, where can they find you?

I’m in St. Louis, Missouri at PrecisionChiropracticSTL.com.

I’m in Springfield, Illinois at Keystone Chiropractic, KeystoneChiroSPI.com. I’m also in Arthur, Illinois. I don’t mention that very often, but that is my second location for myself. We will be back with another episode.


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