Are you experiencing back pain that you can’t get rid of?  Getting migraines and/or having trouble sleeping with no identifiable cause? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything out there to treat these aches and pains but have little to no improvement? Chiropractic treatment might be the solution you’ve been looking for.

There is hope yet! Get expert guidance from Blair chiropractors, The Blonde and The Bald, Drs. Beth Bagley & Frederick Schurger. On this show, they explain how chiropractic care can positively impact your life. Free yourself from chronic back pain and unexplained aches by finding the right treatment to heal these areas of discomfort. If you are reluctant yet interested in the benefits of chiropractic care, you’re in the right place to learn.



Episode 58 – What Does Reddit Say About Chiropractic?!

  Chiropractic care can be a controversial topic, and some online communities have strong opinions about it. Let's take a look and see what kind of discussions are happening on Reddit on Chiropractic Care. In today's conversation, Dr. Frederick Schurger and Dr....

Episode 55 – Statins & Cholesterol

  LDL is bad and statins should be in the water supply!!” That’s been the mantra for close to 60 years, and heart disease has only gotten worse as it's still the number one cause of death in the USA and around the world. What if the prevailing wisdom was wrong?...

Episode 53 – Fluoride – Arsenic & Old Waste

  One of the central tenets of Chiropractic is that you can heal your body without drugs. Another central tenet of health care in modern society is consent for medication. But did you know that you are being given a medication that you likely did not consent to?...