Episode 64 – Dr Patrick Montgomery

Episode 64 – Dr Patrick Montgomery

  APGAR scores, imbalanced sacrums, and a penchant for the history and philosophy of chiropractic are just the beginning of things we talk about with Dr Patrick Montgomery. He has taught at multiple chiropractic schools in his career while working in clinical...
Episode 61 – Dr. Craig Backs From The CureCenter

Episode 61 – Dr. Craig Backs From The CureCenter

  We sit down with Dr. Craig Backs of The CureCenter here in Springfield, IL to go over his approach to cardiovascular health and how his journey helped him change the way he approaches medicine. After practicing mainstream internal medicine for three decades,...
Episode 55 – Statins & Cholesterol

Episode 55 – Statins & Cholesterol

  LDL is bad and statins should be in the water supply!!” That’s been the mantra for close to 60 years, and heart disease has only gotten worse as it’s still the number one cause of death in the USA and around the world. What if the prevailing wisdom was...
Episode 53 – Fluoride – Arsenic & Old Waste

Episode 53 – Fluoride – Arsenic & Old Waste

  One of the central tenets of Chiropractic is that you can heal your body without drugs. Another central tenet of health care in modern society is consent for medication. But did you know that you are being given a medication that you likely did not consent to?...