TBTB – DFY 16 | Cone Beam CT


Among the medical diagnostic imaging modalities emerging recently, CBCT is one of the significant methods. The Cone Beam Computed Tomography Scanner is replacing X-Ray in many chiropractic offices. In this episode, Dr. Bagley reviews her CBCT to help explain what we’re looking at when we take imaging and why it’s complicated & essential to get right the first time! Dr. Schurger explains why CBCT is better than other MRIs. Let’s dive in and see why Cone Beam CT Scanner you should install in your chiropractic office!

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Cone Beam CT (CBCT): The Role Of CBCT In Chiropractic Practice

Guess what? I found out that somebody else has a podcast named The Blonde and the Bald. Thankfully they haven’t published anything since 2018, so we’re okay.

We came up with that because we thought it was original. Look at us. We’re like posers.

We are not the first to come through this but we’re much better looking than they are.

That’s good to know.

I don’t know. I didn’t look other than to see the title of the show. In any case, it has been a good week.

It has been an exhausting week but lots of good things and lots of good people.

It’s exhausting for the weather though.

Everything is going up and down. Because it has been such a warm winter and spring has come early, all of the trees are blooming early. We have a lot of hay fever and people having hay fever going on.

Isn’t that interesting? I’m seeing some flowers blooming up here but I have not seen the trees bloom because we’re getting cold here again.

It is going to get cold. Pollenmageddon is happening here in St. Louis.

You’re so far enough South that you guys are going to stay warm enough that that’s not going to be a major problem. Up here, if it stayed warm or if it got bad enough, that pollen was going to kick up. It was going to end up freezing and killing off a lot of stuff. It is what it is. Nothing around it but it is interesting to see how many people are having pollen-related issues and other dust.

We set out and I brought from my house the bottle of this product called D-hist. It’s by Orthomolecular products. It helps me in my family with that. Usually, we start taking it in March to head off to April. We were a little bit behind this year, so we are taking it now. What’s cool about it is you can take a dose of it three times a day on the first seven days so that you’re loading your body with all the anti-oxidants and NAC and all the good things that are in it. I started taking that. I feel the difference already with the pollen stuff. That’s awesome.

I load up with NAC on a daily basis because it’s such a great supplement to have. There’s a lot of junk in your diet. I eat pretty clean but it’s nice to have the stuff to clean out the stuff when I don’t eat pretty clean.

Come to St. Louis and have gluten-free pizza.

I’ll do that. Up here in Springfield, we have something called a horseshoe.

You’ve told me about that. I’ve heard people talk about the horseshoe.

It is wonderful when they get your order right and they don’t send you turkey. It’s supreme with spicy sauce. In any case, they did good by fixing that up. It was a mess on Friday when I got that, then I enjoyed it and I haven’t liked the scale ever since.

At the office, I had this little boy come in. It was a weird Wednesday. Why it was so weird is that we had a whole bunch of patient cancels. It’s like a bizarre amount of patient cancels. There were lots of different reasons. It always feels like things are working together for the good. Because that happened, I was able to spend more time with this little boy that I didn’t even know was coming in. I hadn’t seen him since he was a baby. He’s three now.

Another one of my patients had a car accident the day before. We had to get new imaging on her. This little boy comes in and his mom had brought him back from the medical doctor. He has been having pooping problems. His little body is trying to push out poops and they’re hard. It’s hurting him and his butt and his stomach. He’s uncomfortable. The medical doctor said he needs MiraLAX and something else, and we’re going to clean this kid out. We’re going to keep things moving.

Dual softeners and all of that stuff.

His mom said, “I’ll bring him to Dr. Bagley to see. It has been a while.” It had been almost a year since I had seen him. We checked him and this little boy who was not that big, his leg lengths were off an inch of a three-year-old. What we’re looking at when people are laying on their back or front, whatever. I had him laying on his back. We’re looking at seeing how their legs line up. I keep the shoes on mostly if they can but if the shoes line up, their legs are even. If one is pulling forward or back, they’re not even one way or another.

We do different tests depending on the patient and how old they are. That helps us determine if they need an adjustment or not. When someone is pulling up an inch and they don’t actually have a literal short leg, that’s a pretty big deal. When a three-year-old is pulling up an inch, we are looking at a serious disturbance in the nervous system.

I started poking around on his neck and he goes, “Ow.” I was poking right on a C1. Not hard but he could feel it. He’s big enough that we can use the table to adjust him. He did so well. He was so cute. I had him turn on his tummy because I wanted to see if his little SI joints or sacroiliac joints were lined up. I bent his legs down forward, and he toots such a big toot. I go, “Buddy, if you have to go to the bathroom, let your mom know.” He goes, “Mom, I got to the bathroom.” Fifteen seconds after I adjust him, he’s running to the toilet.

That’s nice. It’s a matter of getting things turned on. For the people who are at home, how much is the average? What do we see as one of these leg length inequalities? Half an inch is very common. I see that pretty much on a regular basis. It’s interesting. Depending on how you measure, I can consistently measure a half inch regardless of age because if you align the feet right, you’ll see that half-inch flow out in the analysis, and an inch is bad.

I think I’ve seen an inch and a half once. An inch, in general, is a rare occasion. Those people are hurting and not working the way they’re supposed to. Another funny aside, one of the instructors at Palmer, who was a president at Palmer College at one point in time as well, made the comment that if you’re going to be dealing with kids, expect them to puke on you, pee on you, and to poop on you.

He would always wear a three-piece suit all the time. One of the students in the class had a baby, which is very common in chiropractic schools. Moms and Dads will bring their kids in with them to class because oftentimes, the kids will be well-behaved during class and sleep. Sometimes you need a model and this young child got adjusted by the doc and sure enough, it’s all three on a suit.

I had a twelve-year-old patient, so not an old one, who was having terrible migraines. He has been having them since he was in first grade. It’s awful. He came in with a migraine. He missed school and he puked three times in the office because he was so sick with that migraine. He had an adjustment. We got him adjusted and he puked afterward.

That’s very common for him. He was having 2 to 3 migraines a week and missing school, a whole bunch. Since then, he has not had a migraine. It has been a week and a half. We are so excited and as he was leaving, his mom says, “I’m going to make him embarrassed but he says he wishes he was right in the parking lot all the time so he could come in and get checked by Ms. Beth all the time.” He’s like, “Eh.” I gave him a big hug and I was like, “I like you.”

That’s great. The funny thing is there are a number of clinical tests used to figure out how migraines are. The very popular one I hate because for people with migraines, over the course of 30 days, there’s going to be some sort of headache. Unfortunately, for a lot of people, that almost never goes down to zero, so the test only asks three questions.

I know this is a weird silly technical thing but it only asks, “No, you have no symptoms,” “Yes, you have migraines,” and the third category is “Sometimes,” which means you have 100%, you have 0%, and everything from 1% to 99%, which is why I don’t like that test. There’s another one called a MIDAS test. If you’re a migraine sufferer, go online and find the MIDAS test. It’s simple.

You basically track how many migraines you’ve had and missed days of work, school, or anything like that. It is so regular. One of my patients is a migraine sufferer badly through high school. He’s in college now. Out of a 90-day period, probably 60 of those days or maybe a little bit less, he’s basically unable to go to school. Now, he doesn’t miss a day.

Isn’t that incredible?

It is. Sometimes it takes a little time.

It does. It’s not instant. It’s not instantaneous.

If the damage is done, it takes a while for the body to heal itself and get better and stronger, and slowly rebuild itself so that everything is working the way it’s supposed to. That doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to do that. You do not lift 100 pounds of weight overhead just because you say, “I’m going to lift 100 pounds of weight overhead.” It takes time to develop the strength. If you’ve never lifted 100 pounds of weight overhead, maybe you should start with 20 pounds and see what you can do.

After the damage, it takes a while for the body to heal, get better and stronger, and slowly rebuild itself so everything works. Share on X

That sounds good. That sounds like a plan.

“Can I push that? Can I get my arm overhead?” I had another patient who’s overweight and we’re trying to get her more mobile. I’ve got a number of patients who’ve been talking about this. Maybe at some point in time, we’ll do a video showing the Turkish getup, but it’s a simple concept of laying on your back and standing up and the mobility involved with that. I don’t want her to certainly have any weight involved. I want her to be able to lay on her back and be able to get up into a position and then come back down.

Maybe it’s only half halfway through this exercise but it’s a mobility and strength training drill that helps you move and relearn how to get up off the floor. Many people, if they fall and no one is around to help them get up, what are they going to do? Are they going to lie on the floor because they can’t move? It’s one of those realities.

This is why I feel like we help people get stronger. Not only physically but certainly our nervous system gets stronger, more resilient, and more robust, and able to deal with stresses in our lives. It’s a matter of redeveloping some of these things. If you’ve been dealing with migraines for twenty years, give me a couple of weeks. It might not.

Why is it instant? I had a migraine again. Why did it happen again? I get it. Advil works. It makes the pain go away within 30 minutes of taking it or a fever goes down. Maybe not all the pain or anything but it works. We live in a society of now. I’m going to be honest, an Advil is a lot cheaper than me. I am expensive compared to an Advil, but an Advil does not give you vitality. That’s what Blair Chiropractic does. It increases the vitality of the human body.

It allows people to live a more in-tune life with their relationship with the world. Sometimes I’m thinking like I’m driving next to all of these people. How many of these people have their heads not on straight? I’m going to say a lot of them probably don’t. It scares me sometimes because I’m like, “You don’t see things coming as fast as I do because my head is on straight.”

How is their depth perception? Are they reacting to stuff? We’re not even talking about whether they playing with the radio, trying to look at their phone, texting, or they’re new to town and their directions aren’t giving them what they’re supposed to be, and so many things. That’s one more factor that can get people into a car accident, which might bring them into your office and it might not bring them anywhere. Lots of problems and lots of concerns, and just being able to have that connection and realizing that it takes time for the body to heal is probably one of the best things. Do you know what? We start with some of the best tools that are available.

We do.

Let’s take a look at our new favorite toys because you and I both have a cone beam now.

The cone beam CT scanner. It’s called a CBCT. It’s a technology piece that is replacing X-ray in a lot of chiropractic offices. I highly recommend picking up at some point and watching this video because this is going to show you the technology we’re talking about. Now this cone beam was done probably the day or the second day I had the cone beam CT installed or something. It was sometime in there. This was maybe six months old now. A cone beam CT scanner is what allows us to do in about 30 seconds what we were doing with X-rays over a period of 20 minutes. Now, we can take tiny slices of the images.

The cone beam CT scanner is a technology piece that replaces X-ray in many chiropractic offices. Share on X

Let’s give people some landmarks so they know where things are.

Right now we’re looking at what it would be like as an X-ray. If I pull the whole thing out and look at the whole thing, that’s like an X-ray there. The thing that’s cool about a CT scan is you can take the tiniest slice.

Before we get into the tiniest slice, let’s point out where the nose is and where the teeth are.

I think people can see that. That’s the nose there. Teeth are right here. We’ve got where we swallow right here, the esophagus. We’ve got the base of the skull. C2 is this chunky bone here. C1 is that little dot and that little dot. If I bring it out and make it big again, you can see it looks like C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, and C6. C7 gets cut off there.

There are seven bones. Every mammal, with the exception of four species and I can’t remember them off the top of my head right now, has seven cervical spinal bones in their neck. The atlas and axis are very consistent and very similar in the sense that they allow for some rotation. It’s one of those curious things that all mammals share that trait, with the exception of four, three-toed and four-toed sloths. I think they’re two different sloths but they only have six. Keep going. Show the disc spaces.

Disc space is what I want to see here. Between each of the vertebrae here, we want to see a normal size disc space. This one maybe is getting a little bit small. I don’t like that. We can also see the impact of maybe a whiplash that I had when I was sixteen. Some straightening of the spine. It’s not perfectly straight. We want to have a curve there. There is still a leftover curve. Another little one that’s getting smaller there, and then this one fills back out again.

Generally, those curves are banana-shaped. Not only in the neck but also in the low back.

That looks like that’s the banana there. When we have the banana shape, it’s lovely. What I like to say is the brainstem cops out here then it comes through the banana. When we have to straighten, it has to make a zigzag to come down. We don’t want that. That’s not nice. If we look at the 3D modeling of this, at some point, we cut my face off of this one. I don’t remember how we did it. Do you remember how we did it?

There’s a way to bring that back but I don’t see it.

We don’t need to do it.

Reorient people so that they know where the atlas axis was from.

I hadn’t cut my face off of this one. I don’t even remember how to do that because I don’t ever do that now, but the face is over where my cursor is. It’s on the left-hand side. We’re coming through there, and then atlas is here. If I took it straight on here, that’s almost looking through my mouth at what atlas looks like right here. That’s that top bone C1. C2 is right here, then C3, C4, C5, and C6. C7 gets cut off a little bit.

In 3D, we can start seeing misalignments in the lower cervical. Now, C1 is extra special. I tend to not look at the overall misalignment at C1 because we need to look at the joint spaces and they’re hard to see from this angle. That’s right here. They’re not easy to look at and they are broken off a little bit because the bone density there is a little lower. Right here, we can see this C2. What would you say that is Dr. Schurger?

I’m having a computer problem apparently.

Hopefully, this shows up. C2 on this one has moved a little bit forward, so we call that an ASR. The ASR is a listing we use as Blair Doctors that help us know when we look at our notes, “ASR means C2 has moved forward on C3 on the right side.” Any chiropractor talks about listings. A listing is a way a bone has moved on you. Now what’s awesome about Blair Doctors is we use angles in our analysis too.

When we are looking at this bone moving forward, the other thing I care about is what angle that is at because I’m going to be different than Dr. Schurger, and my left side is going to be different than my right side. We’re looking at those angles to help us determine when we do the adjustment that it’s precise for our patient. Do we want to look at how C1 is misaligned? Mine are big and they’re easy to see.

Yes. For those people who are looking, when we’re looking at a cone beam CT, we’re looking at it as if we’re looking at a normal person. The left is on the left and the right is on the right. For some MRIs, depending upon how they’re set up, or some other X-rays, they might flip that around. That is a medical reading because they tend to be looking at you from the front.

They have to think about it in a backward way so that makes their life easier. Chiropractors traditionally have been looking at people from the back of the spine because that’s where the back of the spine is. Left is on the left and right is on the right. In this case here, we’re going to do a little bit more while we turn the angle to view the joints individually.



If you guys know anything about anatomy, this bone at the top left is atlas. We’re looking at it from the top down. Atlas bone has these two little wings off the side, and these are called transverse processes. The little holes in there are transverse foramen that the vertebral artery passes through. These little spots here are what connect it to the base of the skull, then this hole is where our brainstem lives. Right there is the area where the brainstem is. It’s turning into the spinal cord. It doesn’t have a line in it. It’s like, “I’m brainstem. I’m spinal cord.” It molds itself and changes. At some point, we can call it the spinal cord. Right there, I would still call it mostly brainstem.

A lot of stuff that is traditionally considered a brainstem function extends down as far as the third cervical like that trigeminal nucleus we talked about a couple of weeks ago.

I’m going to zoom up on this picture here. All I want people to pay attention to is what atlas looks like when it’s misaligned. This is the base of the skull. Atlas should be there. This is probably 4 millimeters. It’s pretty big.

That looks pretty big.

I got a big misalignment, which is why I’m a chiropractor because I was pretty sick for a long time. That’s the anterior misalignment of C1 on the base of the skull. We call that an ASR. I won’t go into the details of what angles and everything that we need to take for that to get that back adjusted because that’s a whole seminar in itself. In general, this is why I do what I do. It is because if somebody at some point did not move this bone back where it was, I wouldn’t be a chiropractor.

I wouldn’t even know that this helped people. I would never have known any of the things I do. That’s one of the reasons we’re doing this show. It is to explain that you do not have to live like this. This is not vital. This is not how anyone should live. When you have a subluxation of the upper cervical spine, your body is not going to function ideally. Could you still survive? Absolutely. You could live a wonderful life but not quite as wonderful if your head was on straight.



What we’re looking at here in this large picture is a protracto, which is the word we use, which would be a jargony word. It’s an oblique view of the atlas condyle in a way that we can see the joint directly and observe how much the bone has moved from its normal position. The fancy word is juxtaposition. The simple version is in line. The joints are very much designed to have these nice smooth surfaces. If you looked at my hand here, we can see how the hand has that natural J between my first finger and my thumb.

This is a very common observation along joints. Joints will smoothly transition from one to the next as long as there is not some stress that has moved them out of place and has caused them to get stuck. Consequently, especially in this case, the atlas needs to be corrected by a chiropractor to get you back to where you need to be. Otherwise, your body starts causing other troubles and other problems.

I cleared up that picture a little bit more in case someone couldn’t see it. I made the slice thinner. We don’t just look at that thin slice but it is easy to see in this position where that slip has happened.

That’s a pretty big slip.

Even we saw that on X-rays too. It’s not like, “I never saw that on an X-ray.” We could see that on X-rays also, but it is so much clearer and so much more fun to see on a CBCT. We can see all different angles, how everything moves, and how everything is not moving. We can do it all in 30 seconds. The one thing I will say is I do spend more time reading a CBCT than I did on my original X-rays.

Don’t we ever? It’s easy to spend 20 to 30 minutes looking at stuff, analyzing, and turning your head. Go back to the 3D view because I was talking with a close friend in the chiropractic community. She works in the system. We had gotten a picture of her and I was explaining to her what she was seeing. She has been a friend forever and a friend of the Blair Society, but she hadn’t had a Blair adjustment.

We took a picture and got her adjusted. Go ahead and turn to a lateral-ish view. As people look at this, we have the fourth cervical. You got C5 where it’s supposed to be. Do you see how clean it is? She’s on C5. C4 is also very clear. You can look straight through because the cone beam only does bone. If we went to look at her brain, we wouldn’t find it. It’s sad. There’s no brain on the CT scan.

I don’t have a brain.

We can see right through that joint and that’s how joint spaces should be generally. This one here is misaligned but we should be able to see it that way. If you pull up to C2, you got to turn it right there. That’s almost looking at the joint as square on, maybe not. We could probably square it up a little bit more. Do you see how much you had to twist that?

Between that and that. On traditional X-rays, you can’t do that.

You can’t see it because this is what they consider something called tropism, which is a turning of the facets.

It is natural. It’s supposed to happen.

It’s normal that you have this. Sometimes you have it at C2. Sometimes I’ve seen it at C3 and this is the interesting thing that we’re discovering for people who have gone to other chiropractors. Even other upper cervical doctors who are not clearing out are still having trouble. Oftentimes, we look at these joints and I see something a little different because I can turn and say, “We need to address you in this manner,” because this was not seen as directly on an X-ray by somebody who’s good doing their proper work.

They’re missing a low-key component that this new technology allows. The stuff that I’ve seen on this and the ways that I’ve helped patients is phenomenal. I’ve got people who’ve been having trouble holding their adjustment. They’re having all sorts of symptoms and then all of a sudden, they start doing great. Not that they were doing bad.

No, but this elevates. It is next level. That is a great way to say it. We weren’t doing anything wrong before but we weren’t where we could have been. Now that we have this technology in our own offices, we don’t have to send it. It is right down the hall right here. I feel like I’m in a dream. It’s amazing.

It makes life so much easier. Sometimes, I’ll look at something and my brain will be scratching. I’m like, “Am I really seeing that?” I’ll check it about two other different ways to make sure, which is nice. Sometimes it’s the limitation of any healthcare paradigm. It’s nice to have. This is the engineer in me. I want to have two different ways that I can figure out whether I’m going in the right direction. If you want to get really nerdy, it’s not Galileo. Who’s the other guy who created calculus?


It might’ve been Newton. I can’t remember who created calculus but in any case, the guy who created calculus as a teenager said, “I wonder if there’s another way to do this,” and then he creates differential equations six months later. He’s got two different math ways to figure out the same problem. By getting this X-ray, we’ve got a couple of different ways we can look at your spine to make sure and double-check. I am a very much measure twice, cut once type of person. I’m certainly not going to cut on people but I want to make sure that when we put their heads back on straight, it is as precise as I can. This is also why six months or a year later, and something is not working the way it’s supposed to, it’s time to take another picture.

Things change. It’s so low.

Your body is adapting and moving around in this fashion. The joints aren’t going to change but how you are holding those joints changes. It’s amazing what five degrees do. The radiation dose is very low. This is one of the best parts about this.

It’s one of those things. I had a dentist come in and he was like, “That CBCT, I’d get one in my office.” He goes, “I don’t even think I’d use it that much,” because he doesn’t do implants or anything. He said, “I’m so worried about the radiation.” I whipped out the sheet and I was like, “No, it’s not a traditional CT scanner.” The traditional CT scan has an incredible amount of radiation.

If we go back to the early days, Marie Curie’s notebook on all the stuff she was doing radiation-wise is still radioactive now.

Isn’t she still radioactive in her grave?


There’s somebody out there who did a whole bunch of studies on stuff and they have a lead-lined basket.

That would not surprise me.

I don’t know if it’s her. I have to look up who it is.

In a lot of these early radiation and X-ray studies, people would be literally burned from doing what they were doing. This was what they considered low-frequency imaging, then came along high-frequency imaging, which is the modern X-ray imaging that you and I have been doing for the past fifteen years or so. It has been around since the ‘80s, I believe. It is so much lower dosage. This is an even lower dosage than that, which is phenomenal.

I’m not going to take pictures just because it’s an investment in certainly our time to analyze these and send them off to our radiologists to get reviewed. If we need to figure out what’s not working, it’s a much easier entry point to figure out what the next step needs to be. I think it is fantastic. It allows us to focus on the joints all that much better and see some joints that we haven’t been looking at because an X-ray does not show them as clearly.

We go back to radiation for a second. The amount of background radiation that you’ll get in two days just living is about the same amount you would get in one CBCT.

Those of us living around here, you go and hang out on a mountaintop in Colorado. You’ll get a whole much more and those people aren’t having trouble.

Because it’s so low dose. We don’t mess around with radiation. I don’t want to take one of these on my body every hour for the next twenty years. I don’t want to do that either. That’s too much. In what we do, even if we had to do one every six months or every three months on someone, I would not have a problem doing that.

It’s a matter of figuring out what the need is for the individual. The other nice thing is I’ve had two patients whom we had to send them out for an outside consult with a medical doctor because something looked amiss. That’s something that may not have been picked up on an X-ray in the same fashion. Now we can start asking questions and working with other medical professionals and say, “This is off. You do your due diligence and make sure that we don’t have a situation where our mutual patient is going to have bigger problems.” We want to make sure that everybody is getting the care that they need, whether it be medical care or chiropractic care.


TBTB – DFY 16 | Cone Beam CT


My goal is to have people as healthy as possible. For you and I, we visit with each other and we’re like, “Do you need to get adjusted? Let’s check.” That is our lifestyle but on a given day, if I decide to break a leg or if I did screw up my knee that we were talking about earlier this year, I might need knee surgery. Not that I want to do that.

I might need a knee replacement. I don’t want to but I had a lot of damage in high school in these old knees. I’ve helped a lot of patients get through knee replacements. Two are getting them. We check them for knee surgeries. We’ll check them in a couple of weeks when they’re recovered enough to get back in here. They knew that they wanted to be in tip-top shape for that surgery and on the other side of that surgery. It’s going to give them such a better quality of life when they can move their knee and get up and down and not hurt all the time. I’d be on that list if I have to. So far, I don’t have to, so I’m happy.

I’m going to do everything I can to not be on that list.

I don’t want to be on it but if I had to, I’m not going to tell somebody not to get it. A lot of these surgeries are incredible and they create a better quality of life. Our goal as chiropractors is to keep people from having to get those surgeries as much as possible, and as long as possible. I’m not against them. I’d prefer people not to get degenerative enough that they need them.


TBTB – DFY 16 | Cone Beam CT


That’s the plan. Dr. Bagley, I think that’s a great place to wrap it up. Any closing thoughts?

Everybody who’s tuning in right now, I hope you share this. If there’s some information or you thought this technology is cool, tell someone about it. If someone is suffering from migraines or some neuro disease or something that they don’t have answers to, show them this show. Show them what we do because this changes lives and we want to be out there helping people. We want to help more people. We are here to help.

It’s funny as you said people suffering from migraines. I was editing a blog post that I’m working on. One of the things that I remembered, because it was a history of chiropractic, was it doesn’t have to be migraines, back pain, or people with seizures, and the one that I remembered out of the blue was amenorrhea. There are two funny stories.

Tell people what amenorrhea is because not everybody is going to know it.

Amenorrhea is when a woman cannot have her period. She basically does not properly ovulate and things like that. The one half of the story ends up being that there were two people that had called up Dr. James Sigafus. One had a period that was not stopping for weeks at a time, and the other one couldn’t have a period. They set up appointments. He adjusted both of them. He was a big atlas adjuster. As he puts it, it’s the one that was wasn’t and the one that wasn’t was.

I’ve also heard stories of a male chiropractor in a grocery store and a lady across the way is like, “That’s the doctor that got me pregnant.” Everyone’s like, “What?” He was like, “No, I helped her.” There’s no way to get out of that.

That sounds like a good John Hilpisch story. Dr. Hilpisch is up in Twin Cities in Minnesota. A good Catholic family, he and his wife.

We should invite him to the show. He’s got good stories.

We should. He’s got six children. The running joke is that he has gotten several of his patients pregnant. They’ve got over a couple of hundred if I’m not mistaken. These are people who went through all the ringer of stuff to try to get pregnant then they couldn’t. They finally said, “Let’s try this upper cervical stuff,” and sure enough.

“What do I have to lose?” Many times, we hear from someone outside like, “That’s just a coincidence.” How many coincidences need to happen for us to say there’s a trend? This is a trend.

I’d love better research but we have to start asking the question, “This thing happened a lot and this was not the outcome we were aiming for. It just happened to be that outcome happened as well.” There are different forms of research. The double-blind placebo is a very interesting model. It’s a hard model to do with chiropractic, orthopedic surgery, and a lot of other things.

The double-blind placebo is a difficult model for chiropractic, orthopedic surgery, and many things. Share on X

Double-blind would be the chiropractor doesn’t know if they’re giving the adjustment or not. It can’t be done.

It’s like, “I’m not sure I delivered the adjustment,” but anyways.

I am Dr. Beth Bagley. My website is www.PrecisionChiropracticSTL.com. I’m in St. Louis, Missouri.

I’m Dr. Frederick Schurger, KeystoneChiroSPI.com. I’m in Springfield, Illinois at Keystone Chiropractic. Make sure you like and subscribe and do all the things for the Blonde and the Bald, whether it be on YouTube. Do your five-star reviews because apparently, that gets people hearing about this, and that’s all the things we need. We look forward to chatting with you in another week.


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