TBTB – DFY 20 | Fibromyalgia


A condition marked by chronic, widespread joint and muscle pain without inflammation, fibromyalgia is a mysterious condition. So how can one know if they have fibromyalgia, and what can they do to ease the pain? Joining Dr. Frederick Schurger and Dr. Beth Bagley today is Kathy Suta, one of Dr. Bagley’s patients. Kathy shares the rollercoaster of a journey she’s been on for the past several years and how she’s gotten better since starting care with Dr. Bagley. You may be having a similar experience, so tune in to learn more about fibromyalgia and its symptoms, and to know what you can do to help get rid of the pain.

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Not Your Typical Chiropractor, A Fibromyalgia Testimonial From Kathy

You Won’t Understand Until You Go

I believe this is the twentieth episode of the show. I know that because I finally found all the episodes that were missing that we had lost. I’m getting everything uploaded because we went live. We’re excited about that.to

We have a special guest. Her name is Kathy Suta. She is one of my patients. She decided to come on to talk about some things that she had going on with her health and some amazing outcomes.

I am here. Thank you for having me.

I’m so glad you’re here. This episode is about fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a complex of symptoms. It’s not just one thing. We’re going to go through this after we let you go of more of the science behind it. You can check it out next time. You don’t have to stay on. In general, I want to get it from your perspective of years that you’ve dealt with it and all of that. We’ll interject some questions throughout this. In general, I want to hear your story. Tell me what it was like before upper cervical chiropractic and how long you’ve been dealing with this.

I’ve been dealing with this fibromyalgia pain probably since 2005. I was in a very severe car accident. That’s when all the symptoms started to occur. I had chronic pain throughout my body to the point where it was hard to get out of bed. At the same time, I was in so much pain that I had to get out of bed and I had to get up and move.


TBTB – DFY 20 | Fibromyalgia


Around 5:00 PM, it would hit me again so hard, like all the muscles in my back, my neck, down my back and my legs. I had muscle pains down my legs. It was like, “I can’t get up anymore. It’s 5:00 PM. Here it comes.” It was horrific and trying to live that way was debilitating. You can ask my husband. There were times I cared to go on because it was so painful.

On top of that, I started getting more fatigue and having trouble sleeping. Pains in the joints started hitting. I had it hard. I still have a little bit, not much, of heightened sensitivity to light and smell but that’s almost gone since I’ve been to you. It has been a blessing to come to you because I no longer have this chronic pain. It has been an amazing miracle for me. It was like, “How can this happen?”

At the same time, it is remembering and never forgetting how severe the pain was to the point where I was taking pain pills. Who wants to live on that junk? I didn’t. I would not take them and suffer even more because I didn’t want to get addicted. It was terrible. It was this uphill and downhill. I went to so many different doctors and chiropractic care physicians and nothing worked. Finally, I found you. Without you, I don’t know where I would be. I want to thank you and I thank the Lord. I want to get the word out that anybody can be healed.


TBTB – DFY 18 | The Chiropractic Story


You have a story on how you found Blair Upper Cervical. It was through your sister. Tell me a little bit about that.

My sister lives in Florida and suffers from chronic pain as well. She got Parkinson’s disease. She was going through all of this and trying to get to the bottom of her pain and why she was in so much pain. On top of seeing some Parkinson’s doctors, she found Dr. Lee who is also a cervical spine chiropractor. Amazingly, she has gotten almost to be 100% pain-free. Her Parkinson’s, the medications that they put her on, she has split in half. She doesn’t have any shaking anymore. She doesn’t have to take half of the medications anymore. As a matter of fact, her doctors at the Mayo Clinic are pretty amazed at how this is happening.

She said to me, “You have been suffering for way too long. You have got to find somebody. I’ll ask Dr. Lee. Dr. Lee will find somebody in St. Louis for you.” Sure enough, I got your name through Dr. Lee. That’s when I decided, “This’ll be my last shot. I’m done. I don’t want to do doctors anymore. I don’t do medicines and surgeries that I’ve had along the way. I’m going to get ahold of Dr. Bagley.”

When I met you, I was like, “She’s a little cute angel.” The explanation of how this was all going to take place as well as what my sister had been telling me, I believed in it. When I came in, I know you had said that I looked like I was in chronic pain, which I was. A few weeks later, a change in me started to happen. It was like, “Is this happening to me? I got to spread the word. If my sister’s being cured by Parkinson’s and her ailments and I’m being cured, this has got be spread around the world.” I want to help find that key for you guys because it’s helped me tremendously. I can’t thank you enough.

What’s important to know for someone reading out there is she’s not alone in this. We have hundreds and thousands of patients that have had similar experiences. Not all of them are vocal and want to be on a show. I’m okay with that. We appreciate that you are wanting to tell your story. This is daily for us. I don’t want to take it for granted. I try not to but I expect people to get better when they start care here. I don’t say, “Maybe.” I expect it.

That is what has given me confidence as well. You’re truthful to the word. You show this through all of your X-rays. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill chiropractic care. We’re talking about some pretty intense therapy and where it all begins, which is in the C-spine. If I have a bad day, I know that I can be readjusted and be back to my normal self. The thing that I don’t want to ever forget is the pain that I was in.

When I have a little ache or pain, I know I can get that back in order. I feel so blessed and I want to spread that. I thank all of you guys for doing the cervical spine. My best friend is coming to Dr. Bagley. She had asthma her entire life. She no longer has asthma. She sent her asthma medicine over to her cousin who lives hundreds of miles away. She’s like, “I don’t need it anymore. I can stand up straight.” It’s been a miracle for all of us.

I got to ask. Since after the car accident and all the pain started, how long did it take before the doctor said, “This is fibromyalgia?” I’ve always considered fibromyalgia may be less because they can put things to it and catch it faster. I always felt that it was a catchall disease or thing. They’re like, “I don’t know what’s wrong with you. You don’t have anything else. We’re going to call it fibromyalgia so that you have something to attach to,” but no answers to how to fix it. 

I went through a lot of rheumatologists. One said, “You have it. You should pitch the point check.” One was like, “You have it,” and did the injections. Injections don’t last. Since 2004 was my accident and I found Dr. Bagley in 2022, it was many years of pain and sadness because nobody seemed to care. I was at that point where on top of what I was going through physically, emotionally, I was like, “Nobody gives care. There’s no one out there.” Everybody keeps thinking it’s all in their head and they’re making it up themselves.

When you finally find someone that believes in you and knows that they can help you, it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. It was a miracle for me. I found a miracle. I can’t even say enough. I was telling my husband, “If I ever start to feel bad, all I have to do is go to Dr. Bagley,” but I don’t have fibromyalgia anymore. I don’t have to worry about, “Here it comes. It’s 5:00 PM. It’s going to hit me.” I don’t have to worry about how I can’t stand up straight and I can hardly walk to bed. I have to get out of bed in the morning because I’m in so much pain. I heard a lot of fibromyalgia patients will stay in bed all day. That wasn’t my case. I had it everywhere. I was extremely chronic. I don’t know. I thank the Lord for you guys.



You’ve been seeing Dr. Bagley for a while. I joked that there’s this 90/10 principle. Ninety percent of the people after their first adjustment are like, “It’s a little better.” For the 10%, it is almost immediate relief. How long did it take before you realized, “This is something that’s taking me in the right direction?”

To be quite honest, the first three visits, I was like, “This is unbelievable.” Even my kids would say, “It can’t be that much better after everything you’ve been through.” I’m like, “You don’t get it.” Even my mother keeps asking me, “Are you still out of pain?” I’m like, “Yeah. I found the princess. I found the needle in the haystack, my Dr. Bagley.”

When my sister, Carrie, came to visit when my mom was sick that goes to Dr. Lee in Florida, Dr. Bagley adjusted her and she was like, “Thank goodness you have her there. I am so thankful.” She’s coming again at the end of April or early May 2023. She’s like, “Ask Dr. Bagley if she is available.” She loves the cervical spine specialists, which are very few and far between and amazing.

The Blair Chiropractic Society, our group, tries to be consistent between doctors. That’s one of our goals. We want the technique to be consistent. That’s why we have conferences and seminars where we get together and practice with each other. It is so that we can look at the technique and be like, “You’re doing a little bit this way. It should be this way.” We can critique each other, which most of us take well. There are a few of them that don’t. There are always some egos.

I could get what’s called a listing, which is how the bones are misaligned and what angles the bones live in. That listing translates to how I do the adjustment so that my adjustment would be consistent with what Dr. Schurger would do or Dr. Lee Engel does. That’s awesome that we can help each other’s patients when we’re out of town or all those things.

The reality is you may want to go visit your sister down there and you and she decide that you’re going to go parasailing or something. It’s great up until right at the end when you have a hard landing or something like that. You’re both like, “Let’s go see if Dr. Lee is in and make sure that we can get our heads on straight.”

It’s nice because I love chiropractic as a profession. When I was still doing kung fu before I found this upper cervical work, especially the Blair work, I had the doc that knew how to take care of my spine. He looked at my X-rays closely. There was another guy that was a good friend of his that did very similar work. He was closer to me than the other doc but in a pinch, I would go see him.

I only went to see him twice because I’m like, “I’m still going to see my other guy on Monday. This may or may not get me through the weekend the way I needed it to.” Whereas with the Blair work that we do, it is a very specific, vectored analysis that we’re able to share. For everyone who’s reading and says, “Where do I want to go on vacation,” Sarasota, Florida and Fort Myers are nice, warm places that have Blair Upper Cervical doctors right there.

It’s beautiful. I was in Sarasota for a day on my trip to Florida. It’s a paradise. I’m not going to move but I want to move.

I love it there. It’s been great. What a great journey. Thank you for everything.

I appreciate you telling your story. I know that this will reach people that are suffering and need help. What would you say to someone who is where you’re at? They’re at a low in their life and with their health. What would you say to someone to reach them?

I would say to them, “You’re probably not going to believe me because you’ve probably been to 10 or 15 chiropractors but I want to explain that this is not your typical chiropractic care. This has to do with all in the cervical spine at the top of your neck. Where everything goes, the nerves go down with that. It’s such a different technique. You will not even understand it until you go. This is something if you want to get out of chronic pain and I’ve been there, do it for yourself, please. It only takes one time to go. You’ll see what I’m talking about. Get that explanation. Get that different opinion, not your typical opinion. This is so specific. It’s so important to want to keep going and not live in chronic pain.”



Dr. Schurger, do you have any other questions for our guest?

No, but she couldn’t have said it better. You can’t know what real health is until you’ve experienced it. You can’t put it in words. It doesn’t exist. You got to get your head on straight to know what it feels like to be healthy.


TBTB – DFY 20 | Fibromyalgia


Amen. I will spread the word from here on out. I was telling Dr. Bagley I work at Grant’s Farm for fun in the summer. We have a lot of people that are in their 60s, 70 and even 80s. I’m going to start passing out those cards.

I love it. Thank you so much. 

I’ll keep spreading the word. Thank you. You guys are a gift from God. I appreciate that.

Thank you so much for coming and telling your story. We appreciate you. I will see you soon. Bye, Kathy. Take care.

It was nice to meet you, Dr. Schurger.

It was nice meeting you.

Take care.

That was great.

It is so great. Isn’t she a doll?

She is. Imagine someone who is that happy and bubbly to have spent longer than a decade in pain. I’ve had people like that too who are suffering. They’re looking and they don’t get a good answer for what’s going on with them. It’s heartbreaking. It’s also that comment she made. If she’s starting to have that little ache and pain or have that fibromyalgia come back, she knows, “I need to go in early.” I’ve got several patients that are like that. Some of them are like, “Who do I never hold?”

You’re not coming in very often.

There’s a little bit of that. The other side of it is they are not getting back to the severity of their problems they were beforehand. Some people can feel, “I know what that is. I need to go get adjusted.” Other people can’t feel that which is all right. It’s like keeping your head above water. You might be out of adjustment and a little bit sinking but your head’s still above water before you finally start having those symptoms come on. Other people are like, “I got to go because I’m starting to feel the problem again. It’s starting to give me grief.” It’s nice.

The two things that we do is one, you and I can share patients. In fact, we have shared patients over the years. They can continue the care without having to start over, which a lot of places need. Sometimes, you need to do that with patients anyways because they’ve gone through things, especially a car accident. The other side of it ends up being the consistency and the knowing of, “I’m going to go to Six Flags this weekend. I’m going to schedule an appointment on Monday because I’ll probably knock myself out.” You get to go have the fun but know that that’s probably the upper neck’s weak spot.

You’re going to damage it if you get yourself into a car accident at Six Flags. That is what I call it.

I went to the city museum with my sister’s family.

That will give you an instant neck hurt.

Especially chasing around my niece because she’s like, “It’s going to be there. We’re going to go climbing.” She knows I like to climb. She loves to climb. She and I were buddies the entire day. We climbed that entire place.

That place is fun. I’ve only been there once and it’s a little overwhelming. Both of my kids needed adjustments after they left because they hit their heads and all sorts of stuff. I did not do as much as they did.

I only hit my head once and it was right at the end.

Once is enough.

I had a nice little scratch-up. At least I didn’t bleed over everything. Next time, for those of you who either wear climbing pants or Duluth pants with knee pockets, I recommend the knee pad pockets if you go to the city museum in St. Louis.

I recommend maybe a helmet.

I was thinking about that too. Maybe I need a better stocking cap, especially for climbing outside. Let’s get back to fibromyalgia. Let’s talk a little bit about that.

With fibromyalgia, I’ve read about it in the past but I wanted to do a little more research on it since we were doing the episode on it. It’s amazing how much research there isn’t on it, first of all, because it is such complex symptoms. It’s a whole bunch of things. Chronic fatigue fits in there somewhere. Digestive things fit in there.

To me, there’s a secret hidden cause of fibromyalgia that most people don’t know. That was what Kathy was talking about. It is an upper neck shift. When there is a structural shift at the top of the neck, the neurology of the body can go haywire for some people. Haywire for them and to me equals fibromyalgia. Could I fight someone over that, like some neurologists? Probably because they’re going to be like, “It’s not.” I’ll be like, “What’s your answer?” They’re like, “These seventeen pills are the answer.” I’ll be like, “Is it? Is that the answer?”

There's a secret, hidden cause of fibromyalgia that most people don't know. It is an upper-neck shift. When there is a structural shift at the top of the neck, the neurology of the body can go haywire for some people. Share on X

It makes sense when you start thinking about the neurology of any pain response that’s going on. First off, the upper neck is the main interface between the brain and the body. We’ve got that. When that is out of place, things are not communicating the way they’re supposed to, especially the stuff that overrides all your pain receptors, which are all your emotion and movement receptors. That is why if something hurts and you start, “Why did the coach say to walk it off,” that’s good advice. That’s trying to get the pain receptors to calm down because they’re very slow pathways. Whereas motion, movement and coordination pathways are fast-firing. You can override pain by moving across the board.

If you have a situation where all of a sudden, you are not only irritating the area around the spinal cord where the pain receptors are going to be feeding back but also downregulating and turning off because there are a lot of coordination issues which you see in these fibromyalgia folks where they don’t want to move because they hurt, you have this downward spiral that self-perpetuates itself. You can’t move enough to overcome the pain but you need to move to overcome the pain and you never do. It’s this downward spiral until we get the upper neck fixed.

I do remember a statistic that I came across vaguely. It was either 9 out of 10 or 80%. Either way, it was high. When they looked at people who were developing fibromyalgia and this goes back to the early 2000s when this came out, 80% to 90% of those people had some head-neck trauma prior to coming up with this fibromyalgia.

As Kathy was talking about where she had a car accident and then the spiral started happening.

Everything I’ve seen on fibromyalgia in the sixteen years that I’ve been in practice has been one of those situations where the medical profession doesn’t have an answer for it. They’ve looked at a genetic component, other components and rheumatology factors. The rheumatologists say, “You don’t have RA. You don’t have this, that or the other.” They end up getting caught up with a weird pain specialist of sorts because of rheumatoid arthritis. They end up getting the fibro cases but I don’t think they have any better answers than anybody else.

The upside is we have some better answers. Kathy’s one of the good cases and the lucky cases where she comes out of the pain. She’s able to function and focus better. I have other cases where they’re functional but they still have a level of pain that hasn’t gone away yet. This ends up being that Catch-22 with what else could be involved? It’s going back to our discussion on seed oils.

I was going to bring that up too.

I’m sitting back and listening to one of those random things that you come across on Instagram talking about health. Sure enough, grains, seed oils and sugars were their big three. I’m like, “That’s my big three.” Throw in dairy if you are dairy intolerant. Those things are so inflammatory.

The people that do well with helping get rid of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia in my office are also doing some ketogenic or low sugar and low grain or no grain diet. That is because their inflammation levels are going to go down. That is an aspect that we have to discuss with patients too. There is a structural component. We know it. We can see it in a picture. There’s a whole other component that is the inflammatory process of the body. If that wheel is turning and that inflammation wheel is going, the only way to stop it is to cut off the pro-inflammatory things that are happening, which is a dietary change.


TBTB – DFY 20 | Fibromyalgia


They came out with a study. It’s one of these large meta-analyses that said all the processed stuff and all the extra sugar that is added to foods is shortening lifespan. It’s not just diabetes or obesity but shortening lifespan. If people don’t know, here’s the easy way to figure out if you are over-inflamed and you might need to explore a ketogenic, low-carb or slow-carb lifestyle we’ve discussed. It’s hard because you have to be naked in front of a mirror. If you are carrying extra body fat, you have a level of inflammation. Your body, by carrying that extra body fat, is carrying extra water to fight off that inflammation. That’s exactly what it’s doing.

This is why when you go on a low-carb diet or a keto diet as a couple of my patients did, one is upset about it because she’s like, “I feel so restricted but I know I need to do this for my health.” Her husband is like, “I’m down 8 pounds.” She’s like, “That can’t be real.” In a week, he’s down 8 pounds. He knows how to change the set point. She looks and she’s down 5 but she’s having a hard time because it’s restrictive. You have to figure out whether you are someone who can be moderate with food or you have to be a hardcore, cold turkey and get it out. Most of us are cold turkey. You got to cut it out.

Don’t have it in the house. Amazingly, it is not hard to eat low-carb or ketogenic when you got to eat because they have meat and vegetables.

If you want a carbohydrate that is a better carbohydrate choice, have refried beans. Someone might say, “Doc said refried beans. Baked beans are refried beans,” which they are but when it’s the barbecue baked beans, I love those. They’re all sugar. Is it Bush’s who makes the baked beans?

Yeah. I’m so bad. If I’m making Bush’s baked beans and I shouldn’t tell you this, I’ll add brown sugar to it and some seasonings. I make the beans sugarier.

Oddly enough though, if you look at the ingredients, getting back to extra sugars, at least Bush’s baked beans are brown sugar. It’s sugar molasses.

That’s why it tastes good because it’s sugar.

It’s not some of these extra processed. The question is, is any one of them individually a problem? Probably not but it permeates our lifestyle and our world.

If the only thing you ate was Bush’s baked beans and that was the only source of sugar, you’d be okay. It’s not that. It’s the Twinkies, cookies and donuts. There’s also the Peeps, which are fabulously terrible. They’re gross anyway.

There are some things out there that are not great for you. I’ve got people whom I started in upper cervical and I’m like, “You’re doing better, aren’t you?” They’re like, “I am,” but we’re missing a beat here or there. We’re missing something. Sometimes, that’s where that dietary component is. It can be as simple as going keto, carnivore or slow-carb. All of those will do amazing things.

When you’re missing something, sometimes that's where that dietary component is. It can be as simple as going keto, carnivore, or slow-carb. All of those will do amazing things. Share on X

I love how you say that it is simple but when you have a food addiction, it’s not so simple.

This is why you have your faturdays.

For some people, that’s like saying, “You have to stop crack except not on Saturday. On Saturday, you can do your crack.” If you turn the crack addiction back on it, then you want it on Sunday, Monday and then Tuesday. For some people, if you’re going to cut it out, cut it. For six months, cut it out.

Is it 3 weeks or 14 days?

They say three weeks to make a habit.

We’re not talking about habit. We’re talking about the receptors on your tongues because they have memory.

That’s two weeks.

You have to be off of something for three weeks before you start tasting things differently. I have this one product from Standard Process called Calcifood wafers. It’s a calcium-phosphorus wafer. I like it for a couple of different reasons. Since I’ve been off of sweet things for so long, when I have it, I can taste the honey that binds up the wafers. I like that. That tastes good.

Plus, a little bit of some of these supplements, if you can chew them and taste them, you’ll know which ones are good for you that you’re lacking because they will taste naturally sweet. Your body is craving them. I need some zinc in my diet but probably not too much. The zinc is even bland. Some things won’t taste good, unfortunately. It’s interesting when you can tell the difference. If you’re so desensitized to eating all the sugary things, you’ll never be able to taste them.

That’s so many people. You are not a proponent of eating a ton of fruit but fruit, in general, is going to be a slower carb and the straight sugar.

Quite honestly, come spring here and I start seeing blueberries, I’m going to go crazy for blueberries. Whether or not they put vanilla ice cream on there is another story.

I’m not going to judge you. Here’s the thing. If I told somebody who is a chronic sugar eater, which is someone who eats cookies and sweets all the time and I give them a blueberry, even if it’s a very good blueberry, they’re going to put it in their mouth and will think it tastes gross.

That’s because they are so desensitized. That desensitized flavor profile happens after the first bite. We’ve all gone through this. We had a chocolate cake. I’m like, “I only need one piece. I’m only going to have one piece.” When you have that first bite, nothing else you will have on the rest of that piece of cake will taste as good as that first bite. That is a biological fact because your brain has processed that and has a memory. It won’t reset the receptors fast enough so that when the second one goes in that it tastes as good.

When you have that first bite, nothing else you will have will taste as good as that first bite. That is a biological fact because your brain has processed it and has a memory. Share on X

Your brain is still chasing that first bite, which is why you might not only eat the first slice and be looking at your phone the entire time. It’s like the one Chris Hardwick joke, “I’m out of cake. I need another slice because I don’t remember eating the first slice.” Your brain thinks, “I need to have another slice because of that flavor.” There is a high. This is why it is better if you’re going to have a dessert to split with friends. You can all have that first bite and then it’s gone. You’re like, “I’m not going to do that again.” The next time we can do a Fogo or the like, we will do the fruit and crème brulée again or something. Is that what we split last time? I can’t remember.

I don’t know but it was good.

I remember it was good. It was either that or a cheesecake. That was after eating a ton of meat at a Blair conference, no less. Oddly enough, we only went one night.

I’ll say one quick thing, bringing it back to fibromyalgia. I found a random controlled trial from Rheumatology International that was published in 2015. It was the addition of upper cervical manipulative therapy and the treatment of patients with fibromyalgia. It was a randomized controlled trial, to cut to the chase there, on the addition of upper cervical manipulative therapy. I don’t like calling it that but they called it that.

What did they do?

It doesn’t say. I read the abstract because honestly, I’d probably have to pay for the rest of it. It was the addition of manipulative therapy upper circle. They’re talking about C1 and C2. They did say that there. A multimodal program, meaning doing other things, was beneficial in treating patients with fibromyalgia symptoms. That is good. At least there is a study out there done out of Egypt, out of all places, that says this is a thing. We know it’s a thing. We see it in our office but it’s nice that there is at least one article on there. I know there are case studies. We could write a case study up on Kathy. Case studies are great to have out there.

It’s a starting point. When people want to research, they do want big studies to tell us, “Is there something here in what we’re seeing in this case? Is Kathy a one-off?” We see a lot of those so we can do a case series of all of these. We can compare and see how great they respond. Ultimately, these bigger studies are fantastic to say, “There is something to look at here that we need to pay attention to that helps us out.” Every case builds to say, “You have enough evidence here to support this kind of care for these kinds of patients.”

Quite honestly, for so many people, especially people reading who are like, “I got to go to another chiropractor,” I get it. We’ve seen the patients who have been through everyone. We’re trying to get them out of the pit that they are in to realize that there’s hope here. We have things that are different enough that will start giving results. It might take a little bit of time but it’s going to happen.

Kathy was a case where she reacted very quickly to care. Not all fibromyalgia patients react that quickly but as doctors, we can see the indicators. If we start doing adjustments on a patient and we don’t see links coming back to even or the scans that we do post-adjustment looking good, we know we’re not on the right track with that. We either modify, figure out or refer out. Typically, we can figure that out in the first couple of visits if not the first visit.

Did you see The Babylon Bee?

Was it the one on Bud Light? Which one was it? Don’t bring that up.

It was the chiropractic one.

What was it?

Folks, if you have not seen it, we’re recording this in the first week of April 2023 right before Easter. Babylon Bee sent out my favorite meme poking fun at chiropractic. Read it for them. I can’t remember the exact phrasing.

“The chiropractor promises he’ll have you good as new after 328 more visits.”

That’s 3 times a week for 2 years or whatever it was. The great thing about what we do is I got a handful of patients who’ve been with me since the beginning. If they’ve got that many adjustments, I’d be surprised. I still love that one. That was hilarious.

Honestly, they’re not wrong. Some chiropractors will do that.

I laughed at this. I’m like, “That sounds like the average chiropractor who’s doing traditional work and didn’t want to put the time in to learn this work.” They’re doing great work. Eighty percent of the population will do great work with them. Hopefully, they don’t need 328 visits. Certainly, within a couple of weeks, you start seeing improvements.

I’ve got one young lady. I say young because I say they’re all young. Her golf game is doing great but she couldn’t putt at all. She is like, “My putting was horrible.” Sure enough, she was out of adjustment but she wasn’t hurting, which is fantastic. She’s in her 70s. I keep on telling her, “Tell your friends to come on in. If they don’t come in, don’t tell them that you are effectively screwing with your golf game and making your performance better.”

It’s like performance-enhancing chiropractic.

That’s the good news about dealing with these fibro cases or these tough cases that don’t respond as fast as we’d like. Even when they’re in a tough spot, we’re only seeing them maybe once a week for a couple of months. That even starts to spread out further as people respond better.

Is there anything else?

That’s a great place to come out of this. If anyone out there reading this is suffering or has been suffering for years with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue or these chronic symptoms that no one has answers for, know that there could be an answer here. The doctors that do the Blair techniques, the technique is incredible and precise. It has answers. You have hope. You need to make a phone call. I’m in St. Louis. You can find me at PrecisionChiropracticSTL.com.

I’m in Springfield, Illinois at KeystoneChiroSPI.com. Make sure you like the show. Give us a five-star review. People need to read Kathy’s testimony.

Share this one especially.

Share this so that people who are hurting and in pain know that there’s an answer for them. We’re here to help.

Some chiropractors do what we do across the country and outside of the country. You could have a coworker, a friend or a family member. There are people out there suffering and you know them. It’s time to send this information to them so that they can read it and make a decision on their health.

We will be back to do another episode of the show. We look forward to talking with you soon.


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