TBTB - DFY 22 | Traumatic Brain Injuries


Through the wreckage of car accidents, Kelli found resilience and healing. Her journey unveils the profound impact on the body, from concussions to traumatic brain injuries. Join Dr. Frederick Schurger and Dr. Beth Bagley as they hear Kelli’s story and explore the profound impact of car accidents on the body. They delve into the manifestation of concussions and traumatic brain injuries. Kelli shares her recovery through Blair Upper Cervical, and shares how people going through accidents and brain injuries can seek proper recovery too. Moreover, beyond Kelli’s car accident injuries, an intriguing aspect of her case emerges – the potential link between post-concussion cases and exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Dr. Schurger and Dr. Bagley discuss emerging research and explore the potential influence of EMF on the recovery process after experiencing a concussion. Join us in unlocking the complexities of Kelli’s journey. Tune in and learn more about car accidents, traumatic brain injuries, and the interplay between EMF exposure and recovery.

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Car Crashes, Brain Trauma, Concussions & EMF Rabbit Hole (Kelli’s Story)

We have another guest here. We have Kelli, who’s one of my patients. She has gone through so much stuff. I don’t even want to spoil it for you because she’s got a crazy story. I’m going to let you go ahead and get started. Tell everyone a little bit about yourself and how you ended up starting to see me years ago.


Several years ago.

As they said, I’m Kelli. I’m a patient of Dr. Schurger’s. I was in a car accident in December of 2015. At that time, I worked at a bank. I was a mortgage loan processor, and it was two days before Christmas. I got rear-ended. I was at a stop light, and the guy was texting and rear-ended me. My car was totaled. When I got back to work, one of the girls that I worked with was a patient of Dr. Schurger’s and was like, “You need to go. I promise. It’ll change your life.” I was like, “Okay, whatever.” I didn’t know what to do after a car accident. It changes your life, so you don’t know what to do.

I started to see Dr. Schurger and I was constantly like in and out of pain and brain fog, but I still was able to maintain working. I don’t think I was ever the same after the car accident. I ended up quitting that job and took some time to heal, but then I did end up going to school. I was going to school to be a pharmacy technician. I got through that and was at the top of my class. Even so much so, I ended up going back to become the teacher of the class. I was still able to stay pretty sharp except when I was out of pain. I did experience a lot of headaches. Now that I’m thinking back, I had a lot of headache problems.

Even before this accident, she was top of her class at pharm tech, but it would be the same thing. Either case, you were planning on becoming a pharmacist. You were getting into that mode, and that’s not an easy Doctorate by any means. Yet, you knew that chemistry is better than some of the pharmacists, is the impression I got. You were ready to go down that pathway even if I was trying to convince you to go off to chiropractic school.

I believe it.

Anyways, you’re working as a pharm tech around town then October ‘20.

I was going to school to become a pharmacist.

You were doing all this stuff.

In October 2020, I was driving to an appointment because I also got Botox injections in my head for headaches. A guy high on meth ran the red light and T-boned me. It was bad. I remember calling Dr. Schurger and saying like, “Guess what? You’ll never guess what happened.” He is like, “Okay, what?” I was like, “I was in another car accident, like another one. I couldn’t believe it.” This one sat me down. I was in bed for months. I didn’t walk very well. I couldn’t talk very well.

I couldn’t remember words, phrases, names of things. Even now, when I’m out of place, that still is hard. It’s like I have multiple personalities or something. It’s completely different when I’m out of place and not adjusted. I don’t remember things. I can’t remember the name of a water bottle, a door handle, or normal functioning things. Let alone being able to get dressed for the day or feel good enough to even shower. Those things became so difficult. That was in 2020.



Dr. Schurger, you could probably answer this too. Would we consider that at this point like a traumatic brain injury?

It would be. There’s certainly a concussion aspect to all of this. There’s so much that we don’t understand concussions, period. Hands down, the medical profession has a weak understanding on it. We’re trying to understand it better, but cases like Kelli after we thought two bad car accidents. There’s an extra part to this story here in a moment. After multiple car accidents, we start seeing that the brain does not bounce back. In fact, the brain is not supposed to bounce in the first place. This ends up being an issue.


TBTB - DFY 22 | Traumatic Brain Injuries


In fact, after we finished up our episode last time, I listened to another webinar for almost two hours talking about concussions. At the end of the hour, the doctor basically said, “I’m sorry that this is so much information, but there’s just so much information.” I cut off at 8:30 our time, and he was still going. I haven’t gone back to listen to the last half hour.

No surprise, he’s got this long presentation that he’s doing at a webinar or an online seminar here. I think I’m going to be on that one too. In any case, there are a lot of things that are going on with a concussion case. The more times you’ve had a concussion, we do get into mild traumatic brain injury or traumatic brain injury. This gets back into the boxers.

How many times did you get hit? One more question. In this second car accident, did your head physically hit anything? Did you hit the side of the door that you remember? I know it’s hard.

The airbags came in front. I know I had to have.

It was a deceleration. You went from the movement. It stopped you maybe from dying, which is amazing, but it’s still hard on your brain. What’s next in this saga?

Let’s back up. Let’s talk about where we’ve been for the past couple of years. Kelli had days where her atlas was clear. She’s sharp as a tech, and it’s like, “Yes, we’re on,” then, like she said, she’s got days where it’s just not. What we’re figuring out now is when her C2 is out of place, she wants to sleep all the time.

That happened. I was bedridden for almost a week. I couldn’t get out of bed. It was so much fatigue to the point of opening my eyes and like, “What time is it?” I couldn’t even fight through it. It’s weird because when I get adjusted, people see me. I almost feel like they think I’m faking it because I can be so in pain, limping, can’t remember, so sleepy and foggy-brained. When I’m adjusted, I’m like, “I’m feeling better.” I can talk and think and move better. It’s a trip.

We were joking about this earlier when we got her a C2 adjusted, and all of a sudden, she laughs about it. We started talking about how I’m not angry anymore, which we joked about C3 being the mood bone, but for her, it’s C2. She was sharing how she’s been a little bit more aggressive. I think you’re being a mom who’s upset that the children aren’t doing their stuff.

If the C2 is not a place, I call it the Incredible Hulk.

You’re not wrong. I am not in alignment. At some point, my family will be like, “I think you need to go get checked,” because they can tell.

The funny thing was, as you were telling us, your son was supposed to do something, and you asked him on Monday.

I asked him again on Tuesday and multiple times, four times, then I told him on Wednesday. I demanded him to do it on Thursday. By Friday, I’m an Incredible Hulk. It’s over.

What’s interesting is she’ll forget the big important stuff. That stuff won’t click for her but the little things. My wife is the same way. She’s like, “You didn’t do this.” I’m like, “No, but I’ll get to it.” The big things, it’s weird how parts of the brain will actively work, and sometimes, it’s like the little things that will needle us when we’re out of adjustment that it’s like, “I can’t handle that little thing.” Big things, the world might be falling apart around us. It’s not an issue but those little things. I’m the same way. It’s like, “No, I don’t want that touching me.”

There is an aspect of how much stress we can take, and it’s so much decreased when we’re out of alignment, and that goes for anyone. Some of us are more sensitive to others. I think a lot of chiropractors are chiropractors is because we feel you. We get it. We go through this stuff ourselves. Maybe not everyone is as crazy as all of us. They’re going to be somebody reading this at some point and were like, “I get mad easily.” It might be your neck. We might need to check your neck.


TBTB - DFY 22 | Traumatic Brain Injuries


Here’s the crazy part, and you’ve talked about this in the past. We’ve only got so much of a dam that we can hold back water. Chiropractic helps build it up higher, but sometimes, you’ve got big old chunks missing because you don’t know what stresses you’ve had in your life. You just found out from your mom.

We’ve been having phone conversations because she’s trying to help me remember things. From the second car accident, there’s a lot from my past, like childhood memories, vacations, friends, and things that I don’t remember. She was like, “Do you remember you were in a car accident when you were moving from St. George to Salt Lake?” I was like, “Yes, I was.”

There’s another one?

There’s the third one.

It was before. When was the first one?

2007. Now that she brought that up, I was like, “I remember it,” but she said I didn’t go to the ER. Later that evening, she said, “You were so out of it that we took you.” I still don’t remember that. She tried to explain. I was walking weirdly. I didn’t know what I was doing and where I was. I don’t remember that at all, but what’s weird is that I still seem to do okay. I was young. I was 19, I think, at that time or 20. I saw a chiropractor in Salt Lake, but it was not an upper cervical chiropractor. It ended there. I was like, “I guess this is it.” I didn’t know what to do. I completely forgot about that chunk of my life, so that happens.

Unfortunately, the way these car accidents and these other injuries that we have, we forget about them. We’re like, “I’m not sure why I got all this problem.” Sometimes I hope that we can figure out better ways to address these things to get you out of the stuff long-term. The good news is short-term, we can certainly make sure your head’s on straight, and your body is working the way it’s supposed to. You can take care of the kids and everything else that’s going on in your life.

You’ve got a pretty easy warning. You can tell when you’re out of alignment. Now you know, tiredness can be the thing, pain obviously, or Bentel fog, that stuff. You know, like, “Something is wrong.” Where some people, it’s not always that drastic. Some of them don’t know that they’re out of alignment. That can be bad too because then they end up degenerating and things. They don’t get the help they need. In a way, I know it sounds awful, but your symptoms are very helpful. You can get the care you need when you need it.

I feel like people even can get misdiagnosed, like my neurologist. When I tell him like, “I’m forgetting words and this and that.” It’s like, “Your brain is fine. We did a CT scan.”

People can sometimes get misdiagnosed. Share on X

You don’t have a tumor in there, so it’s fine.

I don’t understand why you’re having memory problems. They write it off as post-concussion symptoms, and the headache is unknown. It says unspecified headaches, and they try to do injections and medication. I think a lot of those symptoms, even after my car accident. My neurologist said I needed mental help because I was going on this rollercoaster.

That can also happen because if you get so irritable from being out of place and you might just be snappy, people might be like, “You’re bipolar. You’re being crazy. You’re PMSing.” It gets totally thrown off and pushed off as something else. Either people don’t do anything about it, or they medicate when it’s like, “I know I need to get adjusted going back to my personality.” My personality changes when I’m not in adjustment. I’m a whole different person. It’s weird.



It’s a good point. The fact that we hear this a lot, people come to us as sometimes a last resort because they’ve tried all of the medical things. Their last thing is they were told to go to a counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist to get medicated because the doctors don’t believe them anymore, so they come and see us. We’re like, “We believe you. There’s something going on.” I’m not saying mental illness doesn’t exist. It exists. There are times when the doctors don’t have any answers for these things, as you were saying, post-concussion. The diagnosis of post-concussion, I’m like, “What are we going to do about it?” That’s where upper circle doctors and Blair doctors have answers for that.

I was prescribed cronodol for concussion symptoms, but I don’t take it. I was like, “It didn’t do anything.” It doesn’t do anything for me.

What would you say to someone out there who has had multiple accidents or has post-concussion syndrome or symptoms like that? What would you say to them to help support them and say what’s on your heart?

I would say to somebody like that, for one, I am sorry that you have to go through those things because I understand. I would tell them that you’re not alone because there are so many people that are dealing with these kinds of things, from being in an accident, dealing with doctors, not knowing, and not getting concrete answers.


TBTB - DFY 22 | Traumatic Brain Injuries


I think it’s so frustrating to not get those answers. It almost does make you start feeling crazy, and you get that like, “Why am I going through life like this?” I would say I understand but there are other options, like upper cervical. Chiropractic is life-changing. I always joke with Dr. Schurger, “If I ever go on vacation, I have to take you guys with me. I need you guys.”

It’s life-changing. If you’re struggling with that, then you haven’t tried it all. If you haven’t tried upper cervical, then you still tried it all. Keep searching. There’s hope. There is light at the end of the tunnel, which is very hard because there was a time I was in another accident. There’s no hope for me, but I still have been able to pull through it. This is the only thing that I stick to that helps me.

Thank you so much for sharing your story. That’s so nice to you, and you are going to help others by speaking up and talking about this.

Thank you. I’m glad I could. I appreciate it. Thank you for having me as a guest.

We’re glad to have you, so thank you so much. Kelli, as I said, is one of my favorite patients. She’s been through a lot, clearly, but she does great. If we can keep her in alignment, she does great. When she does travel, I’m like, “Where are you headed to? Here’s the doctors you need to go see,” because these cases, like my wife and I are planning a trip down to Little Rock to get some work done for her that has been helping her out.

She’s got a tricky listing. She’s hard to adjust. While we’re down there, we’re going to see Dr. Craig York, who’s a good friend and colleague who does a slightly different adjustment style through ortho’s phonology with a different instrument that most of those docs don’t even have. That seems to be helping her out a little bit. It’s in Little Rock, Arkansas, and that’s a seven-hour drive.

That’s a long drive.

It is. Now, we may get lucky and were talking about going to find. There’s a place about two hours South that we could go to. Basically, it’s panning for gold. In any case, we could do that.

I’m obsessed with this YouTube channel called Dan Hurd Prospecting. He is a prospector in Canada. He’s so fun to watch. He’s got a good YouTube channel.

That’s funny because I was hearing a story about a Canadian National Park where there’s apparently a lot of gold. Except, it’s an old Indian area that was only one Indian group that was up there. Many of the people who have been up there doing gold prospecting, when they find their bodies, they’re missing their heads. They call it the headless forest. I’m like, “I think I’m going to pass on,” at least in Canada.

Since we’re going on this tangent, I’m going to talk about something else I read. It has nothing to do with chiropractic, but I’ve always wanted to go morel mushroom hunting. This is the season now for mushrooms. This is coming out later, so don’t get upset because it’s not right when you guys are reading it. In Missouri, two weeks in a row, people are morel mushroom hunting. They’re finding dead bodies like murdered people. One was in Northeast Missouri, and then there was one out in Peeley. It’s their first murder since 1990.

Folks, be careful when you’re morel mushroom hunting.

I don’t think they were morel mushroom hunting when they got murdered. The hunters are the ones who found the murdered people.

They found murdered people. It wasn’t the mushroom hunters. Got it.

I’m afraid to go now.

You’ve got woods right behind your house.

I do. There could be dead bodies back there.

There could be dead bodies, but there’s probably more likely mushrooms back there.

There are coyotes back there.

There are, but in any case, let’s talk about concussions for a little bit.

I’m going to do my tidbit of information. I love putting this one out there. A concussion is, pretty much, we’re going to call your brain rattles in your head. It slams against the sides of the head. There can be almost a bruised brain. Your brain is injured. It takes about 20Gs of force. G is against gravity to cause a concussion. You have to slam your head against something pretty hard.

It only takes 4Gs force to injure your neck. Almost, I would say everyone who has had a concussion or has recovered from a concussion probably also has neck trauma. For us, why we are so passionate about this post-concussion syndrome is what is missing. They’ve treated the brain, and now they’re going to medicate the brain, but no one is looking at the neck.

That’s what we do. We look at the neck and figure out if the trauma that translated down into our little stick necks with our giant melon heads has caused a misalignment. If it’s caused that misalignment, guess what doctors will fix that? That’s upper cervical chiropractors and Blair chiropractors. There are lots of other upper cervical techniques, but we like what we do best. If somebody is reading and there’s no Blair chiropractor in your area, find an upper cervical or contact our offices and we will help to find you someone.

We don’t want you suffering from this. A great example is I had a new patient come in who was in a car accident about a few years ago. He went to his local chiropractor, who’s a great chiropractor in his area. He’s fine, has no problems, and didn’t have any issues up until we’ve had an early spring around here for a better part of a month. He was out playing soccer. He didn’t realize how out of shape he was after the winter.

He didn’t have any major injuries. It’s not like somebody was going for the ball and knocked him over or vice versa. He ended up slipping on the grass. It’s been early spring, but it’s still been damp. He slipped and fell a couple of times and felt bruised up from running around and playing soccer the next day, but nothing out of the ordinary until he was sitting at his desk and started getting this neck pain. This constant headache is on the right side of his head and tingling down the right side of his hand.

He ends up coming in because his sister has had great results. Sure enough, we got him cleared up, but again, he might have never gotten the upper cervical completely cleared up with traditional chiropractic. Not because they didn’t do a good job, but because it’s hard to address that. You need something that is quite simply more advanced and more precise than what traditional chiropractic addresses.

The next step is if you’ve got a severe enough concussion that you’re having other problems like Kelli was, you need to start doing some lifestyle changes that are going to get you better. The medications in and of themselves may take some of the edge off the symptoms, but it’s not going to allow the healing to work. As I mentioned right after our last episode, I went on a webinar for another hour and a half.

You need to start doing some lifestyle changes that are going to get you better. Medications in and of themselves may take some of the edges of the symptoms, but it's not going to allow the healing to work. Share on X

Dr. Musnick, I think, is the name. He’s based out of Boise, Idaho. He was doing the presentation, talking about how you need to get a good crew of people around you. He’s talking more as a medical doctor about finding the right people. To your point about 20G to cause a concussion but only 4G to cause a neck problem, his comment was, “Find those upper cervical doctors around your area,” and he made it a point to say, “I know all the upper cervical doctors in the Boise area.” Guess who else knows all the upper cervical doctors in the Boise area? I quickly do a text over to my buddy Grayson Bloom, who’s over there. I’m like, “What do you know of this doc? More importantly, where can I find one of them in our area so that I can start referring some of these cases that are not getting?”

We all want to co-manage. That’s the thing. We play well with others.

Finding a medical doctor who understands concussions and can start saying, “These are the things to do.” He threw some high-level stuff out there. I know he mentioned the ketogenic diet. We’ve talked about that in the past being good for helping clear out the brain. Getting rid of calcium supplements, interestingly enough. Calcium apparently is a problem. The other one was these electronic devices. EMF, in general, can be a major driver.

I have several cases which are probably more EMF-sensitive than they care to admit. One case, she, her husband, and her daughter were kayaking on the one lake by their house. Their major power lines went way up high, but they’re major power lines. They have to go underneath. Dad and daughter are going across the lake without a problem, but mom, all of a sudden, freezes up. She cannot move. She’s directly under the power lines.

They look up, they see her, and they’re like, “Uh-oh.” They go over, get on either side, grab her kayak and paddle her out, and then she’s able to start functioning. Interestingly enough, she has weird calcium buildups on the inside of her body, which they discovered after she had her breast implants removed. She had heard all the stuff that Danica Patrick was going through with her breast implants and how toxic they were to Danica’s body. She says, “I’m going to get rid of mine as well.” Sure enough, the surgeon was very surprised by that calcium buildup. Again, here’s that calcium causing a problem, and who knows what other traumas may have been playing in that role. There are lots of weird things that can play into those concussions.

A quick question for you. It’s like voodoo stuff. I’ve seen these for years, but they’re these little stickers that you can put on your phone that reduce EMF stuff. Do you think they work?

I don’t know. I have one on my phone. I think I got a bunch of these from Bon Charge now. I can’t remember what they were beforehand. If they want to be a sponsor for the channel, send us a bunch of red light stuff. That would be great.

That sounds fun. I was watching JP Sears, and he had them as a sponsor. I think it was them.

That’s them. In fact, that’s why I broke down a bottom because I’m like, “I’ll try it because I carry this on me all day long.” The same patient was having problems with the EMF going underneath the power lines. Every time I do a Tytron on her and when we squeeze the trigger on the Tytron to activate it, it does not have electricity running to it until that point in time.

Mine happens to be wireless. Not that she didn’t have a problem with the other one. I’ve sat it on her neck, and her husband has watched from the side, then I pulled the trigger. She, all of a sudden, freaks out because that energy is enough without me moving. Me pulling that trigger, she sets off. I bought them, figuring, “Let’s put this on the Tytron to see if that takes care of it.”

For her, it did not. I did not see a change there. Again, how sensitive is she to the slightest little bit? For the cost of them, if they do something beneficial, great. Let’s take another rabbit hole along that line. There’s a brand of underwear called Lambs. Lambs are silver-lined underwear to protect your private parts, or you can get a hat.

I’ve seen the hats. I didn’t know they had underwear.

Dr. Tom swears by it. I broke down several years ago and bought the underwear.

Silver is also antimicrobial.

It’s antimicrobial, but the weave they’ve got on these is protective against EMF. I stopped buying from the company. If Lambs wants to sponsor us, they’re more than welcome to sponsor us.

I stopped buying from them because I was waiting months to get a new three-pack. For the first three, I did wash them. They wear. This is the problem with underwear. It does break down. I’m like, “Does this stuff even work?” I go to the airport to fly to one of our conventions. I couldn’t tell you which one it was. I didn’t even think of it. I wear this stuff all the time because they’re comfy. A lot of people object, and they say, “I’d rather do the pat down. I’d rather not do anything thing.”

I used to, but then, I feel like I’ve been sexually assaulted.

There’s a little bit of that.

There’s a lot of it of that.

I’m at the point where my EMF exposure and my understanding of what it is, I’m not too worried about it. Is this because of a concussion? Maybe. Certainly, after that car accident, but again, I’m less concerned about it because I know it’s everywhere. The quick exposure gets me on my way to my next spot.

I don’t find it to be as intrusive as some things that I find intrusive. I’m up, hands up, go ahead, it’s going to spin around you and, “You’re coming up like a lot of stuff around your groin area. I’m like, “It’s the underwear.” I look at the scanner, and right there, from the waistband down right underneath the groin, it is all coming up like it’s a blackout. It’s like reflecting on something.

It works. Magic underwear works.

The question is, how can we measure that? This begs the question, and there are units you can buy on Amazon to measure the EMF around health.

The EMF readers.

If you want to see or you’ve got a problem there, that would be something to invest in. Especially if you think EMF might be giving you trouble. One of the big problems with a lot of EMF lately, certainly in the past decade, is all of your electrical meters have been switched to an RF frequency. They don’t have to come back and read. It automatically transmits across Wi-Fi and is all set. What do all of us have in our houses? Lots of Wi-Fi. Not only our Wi-Fi but the neighbor’s Wi-Fi on both sides.

You can see all of the neighborhoods.

This begs the question of how much EMF exposure is causing people still more problems. Again, there are lots of questions but not a lot of answers.

I’m going to live inside a Faraday cage.

I thought hard because after we had that little bit of mold exposure in our bedroom, I thought, “If I’m tearing this down, I’m putting a bunch of copper along the walls to insulate everything.” I bring a hardwire Cat 5 or Cat 6 into the room so that Mrs. can be on the computer if she needs to, and we can turn the Wi-Fi off at night. She doesn’t like that idea.

We haven’t done it, but we have considered turning the Wi-Fi off at night. I don’t know why we don’t other than it’s a thing to think about.

If you got your neighbors on either side of you to turn off theirs as well.

I get pretty much a full signal up there. I should cancel mine and ask them for their password. It’s so much in my house.

This becomes the problem. At what point in time, do you have so much exposure that you can’t get away from it?

I’m going to go live in the woods.

You don’t have to go very far.

That’s true. I watch all the stupid TV stuff that there’s a place. I don’t know where it is. I could look it up, but I’m not going to. There’s no Wi-Fi or no electrical devices like that allowed because they have a power telescope or something. It’s in America, so everyone who has these super EM-sensitive people will go live there because they’re not going to get inundated with these electromagnetic Wi-Fi signals. Cell phones aren’t allowed. All the things aren’t allowed. You could bring a cell phone, but there’s no service there. There are cops that go around with detectors trying to find people who have Wi-Fi because you’re supposed to only have everything wired and plugged in. You can have the internet, but it needs to be plugged in. They go and then they give people tickets for having Wi-Fi.

It is not the craziest thing. This has been a question of mine as far as my hair loss. My hair fell out shortly after getting, I think, my first Apple phone, which was a three. I’d had my old Blackberry used as an alarm clock forever as well. It’s not like I changed a whole lot, but it’s just little things and questions. The electrical engineer in me doesn’t have this stuff as well.

These are going to be a lot less. We both have wired headphones in on purpose. I don’t own a pair of AirPods. I think they’re neat. I wish I would let myself own some because it would make my life a lot easier, but I don’t let my kids have them. My husband doesn’t want them and I don’t have them, not because we’re cheap, but we are. That’s another aspect of radiation that’s right next to your skull and people are walking around all day long with them. Maybe it’s totally fine, but what if it’s not? We don’t find out for fifteen years, and there’s this whole bunch of auditory cancers or brain cancers.

I’ll be honest, I’m bad about using my left ear for my earbuds, but I bought a $10 Bluetooth. That goes into this ear too. That’s the one I am talking on. Am I wearing it all day long? Absolutely not. Some of these people are wearing it all day long. I think that’s the bigger concern. Do I wear mine a lot? Yes. Do I wear it when I’m out and about doing things? Again, it’s choices.

It’s choices and amount of time. If you eat McDonald’s once a year, you’re not going to get sick. I’ll get sick one day, but if you eat McDonald’s every day, you are going to have diabetes, heart disease, stroke increases, and all the things. It’s the amount. That’s the same thing with the technology.

I think it comes down to tolerance levels. Can we find examples of people who’ve eaten? In the Supersize Me movie, there was a guy who ate Big Macs all the time, and he would buy extra Big Macs and freeze them so that when they went on sale, he would have Big Macs at home. He was probably an outlier and looked skinny.

I call them skinny fat.

No, he wasn’t skinny fat. He was thin. Almost rail thin. I think his metabolism allows for whatever that is, so you have outliers. Do you have outliers of people who smoke cigarettes and drink whiskey all day long?

You have outliers. We can’t say, “Look at these outliers.” I was like, “Those are outliers.” You’re always going to have outliers. You’re also going to have people who smoked one cigarette and drank half a whiskey and died immediately. That’s another outlier on the other side.

That’s to break down what an outlier is for someone who doesn’t read science stuff. If we think of something like a bell curve, you’ve got a curve, and you’ve got this bell curve. The middle section is where the average live. That’s where most people would live in whatever we’re talking about. The outliers are the people that are outside of that curve.

It’s the people in the 99 percentile and the 1 percentile. Those people, you don’t worry about that stuff. Science happens in the center of those bell curves because that’s where the vast majority of the population lives. If we focus on the center of the bell curve, we can help a maximum amount of people. Now that varies from person to person. With chiropractic, do we have people who don’t respond to upper cervical? Yes, they’re a small percentage of them, but they exist.

Quite honestly, I normally send them to another technique other than what we do to see if they can get help. It varies along that spectrum. In the center of the bell curve is where most things exist. There are some people that have no problems in that bell curve. Again, you’ve got your outliers, but the center of that bell curve is where the vast majority of us live.

It’s a good point. I had someone ask me as a patient getting her test results. She’s got her first adjustment, and she goes like, “What are the chances that this can get better?” I don’t have numbers on that, but I should use the bell curve example because that’s what makes the most sense. I said, “The vast majority of people that come in here get results. Maybe they don’t get every single thing better in their entire life, but they’re going to see changes in symptoms.”

You have very small people at the top of the population that get immediate results, less than 10%. The next is probably 80% of people will see changes within about two weeks. For that last group, it might take a month or two, depending on how chronic they are. Kelli is a great example. Kelli was in that couple of week response time after her first accident. After her second accident, that response time, we knew we were going in the right direction because we knew how she responded, but it took longer. It’s still a process three years later, getting her to be able to function normally.

It makes sense. There are three traumatic injuries to the head and neck. That’s a big deal and the first one, she didn’t even remember. She remembers people telling her about it.

Unfortunately, that’s part of that mild traumatic brain injury type stuff going on. It’s scary stuff because when you start asking yourself the question, “Who are you?” A lot of people don’t take the time to process that, but if you start saying, “Are you your hand? No. Am I the bow tie? I might be,” but what ends up being between the ears and behind the eyes, that’s who we are. When we can’t process what that is, we’ve got trouble. That’s a scary thought to have when we don’t know who we are.

That's a scary thought to have when we don't know who we are. Share on X

Very scary. On that sad note, we are going to wrap it up.

We should at least come up with something a little bit better but it’s coming upon our hour of working on this. Folks, if you like what you’re reading, please share the show. I like the numbers we’re seeing overall but we would sure love to have you share this with more people. Like and subscribe, and turn on the notification bells if you’re on YouTube. Make sure you’re subscribed to all your podcasting apps and give us a five-star review. Because of that, the five-star review helps more than anything else. I’m sorry, we cannot be Kyle and Steve from Hollow Sky. If you understand that reference, you are as much of a geek as I am.

I am not.

We are certainly not drinking. We’re looking for sponsors like Lambs or what was the other word?

Underwear. I want silver underwear.

You want silver underwear but I would like Vivobarefooter and these things.

You would love that one.

I would. In fact, I’d love my new pair of shoes. I’m wearing them.

Nobody wants to see your feet. Don’t show it to us.

In any case, make sure you’re sharing and doing the five-star reviews because that does help people find us. Make sure you share it on all the socials so that people can find it. Speaking of people can find it. Dr. Bagley, where can they find you?

I’m in St. Louis, Missouri. I am at PrecisionChiropracticSTL.com.

I am in Springfield, Illinois, at KeystoneChiroSPI.com. Again, on all the socials. I think we both have several YouTube channels but go find The Blonde and The Bald on YouTube. Make sure you watch, subscribe, and do thumbs up on those, as well as a five-star review. Share these last couple of our patient testimonials with your friends and family. You never know who is suffering. They’re not functioning the way they wish they could and don’t even know we’re here to help them.

Take care, everyone.

With that, we will be back for another episode.


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