The Blonde & The Bald | Ideal Nap Length


What’s a nap worth? What’s the ideal nap time to recover from your day? Why do we have you rest after an adjustment? These questions were examined and answered today! We also dive into the intricacies of Blair Upper Cervical Work and why more doctors don’t do it.

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The Ideal Nap Plus Resting After Adjustments, Why More DCs Don’t Do This & More

Welcome to the show.

How are you doing, Dr. Schurger? How was your week?

I am doing excellent. It was a great week. There is lots of rain here in Springfield. This will come out at the end of June 2024. By that point in time, Springfield will be hot, and the only thing that will resemble rain will be the cicadas falling on us.

We already had a cicada fall on my associate, Dr. Thomas, almost. She was taking out the trash at the end of the day. The cicada almost dropped on her head, but she did not die. All is well.

Kids have a better ability to skate in our driveway. We’re okay with it. She’s skating around. Her knee is scraped. I’m like, “Are you okay?” She’s like, “It hurts.” I’m like, “Did you die?”

Did she die?

No. That’s a good place to start. It’s like, “How bad is it? You’re not dead.” It’s a good place to move on to and say, “What’s the next thing I got to do to keep alive and be happy?”

We’re overwhelmed with things. Life is overwhelming. Everyone reading this has made it. You made it through all of the things that we have read before. It’s impressive. The fact that you exist right now on this planet at this very moment, reading this blog, is darn impressive.

If you’re reading this and you walk outside, you’ll be able to hear two different groups of cicadas for the first time since 1803. That’s impressive. It’s a great time to be alive.

In our office, there’s this patient that I’ve been struggling with. She is a nice lady. I love her. She had dizziness. We had this zoom-up where, at first, her dizziness got way better. She had some good weeks where the vertigo was gone. We were loving it. All of a sudden, the dip happened. It was a good two weeks. I finally decided at the end of this two-week span, I said, “I’m going to take a new CBCT.” We have the ability to do imaging when we need it.

Is A Subluxation Between C1 And C2 Common?

We did imaging. Some things were looking way better. There was one thing that was different, and I want your opinion on this. This is C2 with the degeneration that she had and C1 because of the degeneration. I believe there was a true subluxation between C1 and C2. Is that common? No, but it’s possible. I’ve maybe seen it one other time. I did a non-Blair adjustment. It was a Blair-like adjustment to adjust C1 back on top of C2, and it was restored. She’s back out of the dizziness. Have you ever seen that before?

In an ideal situation between C1 and C2, the way that that joint is designed should be the equivalent of ice on ice as far as friction. It’s designed to move, but you described a situation where that friction has been reduced to some amount because of a degenerative state between those two joints, which is uncommon to the point of being rare. That is a situation that I hope doesn’t become more common. I suggest keeping an eye on that. It’s putting it in the back of your head. It’s like, “This is a potential problem.” I don’t see that presentation.

For folks who are in the know about the Blair work, and to clarify for those who aren’t, we adjust the atlas relative to your skull. For everything from number two on down, we adjust it relative to the bone beneath it. This is one of those weird cases where the individual had something stuck between 1 and 2, ice on ice, and it shouldn’t stick.

In an ideal world, it should not happen.

I know a lot of engineers who scoff at it. I explain to them, “You do realize that a good chiropractor is thinking like an engineer trying to say why this is not working.” We don’t go to bed at night worrying about the patient who did well. We worry about 10% of something not clicking. How do we fix that? It’s as if we joke about the problem child and the trouble cases, which I would classify as one. It’s a curious situation. I hope she holds.

She was holding that. She wasn’t showing signs of C1 or C2 misalignment. That was good news.

The hardest part about that is whether you will be able to reproduce it as well as this time in the future. Is this a one-off thing that needs to be unlocked so that it can start healing itself a little bit?

The Importance Of Taking Notes On Difficult Cases

I wrote up the listing by writing a paragraph about how I made the adjustment in her notes. A listing is, for those of you reading who aren’t familiar with this technique, we write a couple of letters and numbers. It tells us what bone is misaligned, what directions are misaligned, and what angles of the joints involved need to be adjusted. On this one, it was beyond our system’s dictates. I wrote a whole bunch of words.

Even though we have 6 to 9 letters that tell every Blair doctor what we did, you have to understand that 6 to 9 letter phrases required hours upon hours of seminars to master what those 6 to 9 letters represent. We’ve got it down to shorthand. As some people have suggested, when somebody saw Dr. Palmer adjust, and it was amazing, I made a comment to him, “I would give my life to adjust as you did.” Dr. Palmer’s response was, “I did.”

We can make it simple, but sometimes, when it’s something outside and we’re trying to figure out how to work it, we need to take extra notes. I’d like to compare those notes at some point in time because of my problem child, the things I have tried on her, and when I get her to hold, where’s some wood because I’m going to need some wood here. When I get her to hold, she can go months before she needs to come in before she’s having problems. I think about her. I’m like, “I wonder how she’s doing.” She’ll send me a text and say, “I’m checking in. I’m doing good.” Several days later, she’ll be in.

Do you have any wins or anything to talk about from the office? I’ve got a question that one of my patients asked.

I’ve got wins. I talked about her last time and how she’s been having some ups and downs. She ended up having a rough week. It was amazing to see her, and she has helped her to see her slowly progress from being completely out of it as if she was way on drugs and medications. She’s trying not to be with some of the stuff she’s got going on, but all of a sudden, she’s being alert and aware of her situation. I’m always amazed by that. I wish we could keep her on that high level as long as possible. We’re getting there.

The whole thing is we see people who have these miraculous quick changes to their health, and that’s exciting. We also see people where it is a turtle’s pace. We know it’s changing because we can see leg length changes. We can see changes in their Triton scans, which is autonomic nervous system functioning. We know that the body is healing or in an adaptive state, but if someone is sick, it can take years to get their vitality back.

I was talking with our colleague Dr. Todd Hubbard, who taught me Blair when I was at Palmer. He is going through some health issues. He moved back from Montana to Iowa because the doctors were better. I won’t go into details about what, but they told him it’s going to be a two-year ordeal. It’s hard, especially if you need certain meds and surgeries. Your recovery doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to.

It is funny because I’ve been reading about how to train to be stronger, more explosive, and leaner without going “no pain, no gain” type things. The science is the same. Do you do something that trains the nervous system right to the edge of being fatigued, or do you push past it? When you push past it, you have nothing left in the tank.

I almost started a new program. The more I looked at that new program and tried it even a little bit, I was like, “No.” As much as I want to do this, and I know I can physically do it and push myself, the downside is I will gain weight in a bad way, which is my body telling me you are overtaxed. There’s enough other stuff that I can tax myself with instead of doing that. The moral of the story is to get your head on straight, and we will help guide you back to your health.

A side that has nothing to do with chiropractic. Are you ready?

I’m ready.

Those of you who are not watching YouTube will have to look these pictures up because they’re readily available. The first picture is, who’s that?

I don’t understand that.

It’s a picture of King Charles. It looks like he is the king of hell. There’s a butterfly.

It is an interesting artistic take.

It’s accurate. Here are the two memes that I wanted to show you. The first one is you tell me what that is.

It’s from Ghostbusters. It does look like that. It’s Ghostbusters 2.

It’s Vigo, the Scourge of Carpathia. That’s when Ray is holding up some meters and staring into his eyes. He’s about to become hypnotized by Vigo, but they’ve changed the picture to King Charles. I think you’ll like this one too.

I like that, Palpatine. It’s silly, but there was another one. I can’t think of the song.

It’s one of the most famous videos of the ‘80s, where they look like they’re sketched.

He hops into the sketch, and I can’t think of the name of the song, but there was one I saw of Anakin going to the dark side. The entire dark side of the stuff was all the sketch stuff. It was to the music. It was funny. At the end of it, Obi-Wan says, “I can’t watch anymore of this. Turn it off.”

I look at that stuff, and I wonder how many people are reading that subscribe to the same amount of dorkiness that we have but also conspiracy-minded that we are. We don’t consider ourselves conspiracy theorists because we see the truth and talk about it. A lot of people don’t have any idea about how much evil there is in the world.

That’s an interesting word and phrase to use. I heard that someone suggested different approaches to solutions in the world. You can have that idea maybe when you’re younger, but as we get older, we start to realize that’s not a difference of opinion. That is a dark difference to the point where it is evil. Good and evil are two things that exist in this world.

They’re real. In a small, tiny way, many chiropractors are this army of good, trying to bring life back to people’s lives when they have been affected by forces, whether that’s a subluxation or misalignment of a vertebra that’s causing pressure. Can we consider a subluxation evil? I don’t know. It doesn’t have a thought process. It’s a misalignment. Evil stuff happens to people, and that can become subluxation. Also, getting health information to people because there is a conspiracy against all people in the world to make them unhealthy. Unhealthy people spend more money staying well. They’re forced to spend that money because they’re going to die if they don’t.

To the point of being a “conspiracy theorist,” we can go back and look at C-19 and ask the question, “Was that made in the wet market, or was it in the lab that lives right there across the street from the wet market?” That was propagated and subcontracted out from EcoHealth Alliance. As of this recording, they lost their HHS clearance, and they’ll never get a grant from Health and Human Services again. That’s a death knell for the company.

They’ll change the name.

It has to follow all the doctors in that company that they can never be allowed to work in that capacity again because that’s the bigger problem.

Our own country is doing research to make a virus scarier, make it hurt people more, and make it pass from people more. The question is, how can we make this virus worse? They can, they have, and they did.

They are trying to do it with H5N1.

What I saw on the news was get your COVID and mRNA boosters.

If that’s what they’re trying to tell you, I’m going to put my head over here on the desk and hit it several times.

You should do so because it’s going to solve the problem of H1N1 if you get the other one. That’s whatever. I don’t even care. It’s the next superbug that’s going to kill everyone. The sad thing is some people will never stop wearing masks. I have three patients left who still wear masks in the office. They will probably wear them forever. They’re making themselves. These masks are old, gross, and reused hundreds of times. The fear that was put into people was disgusting.

I hope people reading this can differentiate between what we should truly be afraid of, which is cicadas. What should we be afraid of? We should be afraid of allowing ourselves to continue to eat the standard American diet or to sit professionally, meaning our whole job is sitting all day. These are the things that will cause chronic diseases. Everyone knows about smoking. Vaping is not that great. Smoking weed is legal. Don’t smoke weed because you don’t want to inhale stuff into your lungs. It’s not healthy.

I heard somebody saying, “Alcohol is poison, but marijuana is medicine.” I was surprised by the individual who said that because he should know better that the dose makes the poison. There are some people who can benefit from marijuana. His comment was, “I am more creative when I am on weed.” I’ve heard that from many people who are alcoholics.

People think they’re more creative when they’re on weed.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it calms his anxiety down. That’s his personality that could drive that.

We’ve talked about in previous episodes that if you’re in fight or flight, your creativity is going to be low. You can’t write a song and run from a bear at the same time. I can see how that would be helpful for somebody with anxiety. The dose needs to be high. You don’t need to have that much. You could also look at the way you take it.

If you take it again by smoking it, you’re going to get the high faster, but you won’t control the dose well. You have no idea how much you’re absorbing. You are inhaling smoke into your lungs. If you stood by a campfire and inhaled the smoke coming off the campfire, that doesn’t feel good in your lungs. When people cough after they smoke weed, your body is saying, “Stop. Don’t put that in me.”

This also goes to some of these supplements that have become popular in recent times. Shilajit is all over the place.

What is that? I don’t even know that.

It’s a black resin tar substance that’s supposed to make everything work better.

I need that.

You want everything to work better.

Let’s do it.

I’ve tried 3 or 4 different brands. One that I liked seemed to work better than the others.

How do you take the resin?

I get the resin out of the thing and put it in my coffee. I mix it in something hot. Have I noticed any significant improvements? I don’t think so. I’ve tried what is supposed to be good CBD, which works on a system in our body that is upregulated by being properly adjusted and aligned. We know this because the endocannabinoid system is stimulated by your nervous system and by the proper alignment of your spine.

Are you telling people if they get chiropractic care, they’re going to get a better high with marijuana?

I’m telling them they might not get any high or benefit because you’re already at the top level once things start working the way they’re supposed to.

You lost all the weed smokers. I’m not upset because when you come into my office after you’ve smoked weed, you stink. You smell like a skunk. It’s nasty.

I can’t drive from my office to the house without smelling it along the way. I’m like, “It was never my thing.” It’s surprising. The guy who was always about not liking drugs and alcohol became a chiropractor. That all fell together. You were talking about some other stuff. Let’s get back on track with your topic.

Let’s talk more about Vigo. One of my patients asked, and it’s a fair question, “Why do I have to rest after an adjustment?” I’d love to get your answer to that question. I can chime in with anything else I say.

Why Rest After An Adjustment?

Why do we need to take a few moments’ rest? Because we’re dealing with a joint between the atlas and the occiput, which is less than ideal. Could we call it a sprain strain? Probably. It’s the same thing as if you’ve twisted your ankle. It needs time to rest and heal after that moment. You should walk on it. You should get it moving, but you don’t need to put a lot of stress on it.

The same thing holds true for our necks. We’ve got two mechanisms that hold the atlas in place. One is the ligaments. The other is the muscles that are holding everything in place. If you train a muscle to do a thing, it will do a thing easily and repetitively. I don’t know how you are on your phone, but there are certain apps and places on apps that I will hit. I’m like, “I didn’t want to go to that app again.” Instagram automatically opened up, and I did scroll. I go like, “No, I’m going to close that app. I’m going to go to the other app that I need to work with.”



It’s a muscle memory.

Our biggest concern is the suboccipital muscles have a memory of sorts. They want to be tight and hold things in place. The rest of the muscles around them need a little bit of time to reacclimate to the proper alignment. That is why you should take a rest. Twenty minutes is an interesting number because it allows your brain to relax. For the people who decide that they only want to sleep 4 or 2 hours a day, whatever the ones who do like the Uberman sleep cycles, they will sleep for twenty minutes, and they’ll be up for three hours and change and do another twenty-minute nap.

We don’t recommend that as doctors.

It’s not good for a family lifestyle. The one guy I heard who was able to do it successfully wrote the WordPress platform and decided to have a life, marry his wife, or now wife, and have kids. It doesn’t work. It’s not conducive to that. That’s why we like that twenty-minute or thereabouts number for a nap to get used to that new position and get on with your day so that you don’t knock yourself out of adjustment as soon as you pull out of the parking lot.

I had a patient who was not sleeping well. She does sleep better when she gets adjusted. Sometimes, in between appointments, she’s not sleeping well. I told her to stop looking at a nap during the day as a sign of weakness because a lot of us look at it as a sign of weakness. I don’t see it that way. I don’t typically take naps, but I don’t want to take it because it’s a weak thing. A nap is a reset. People should set a timer so that they don’t oversleep during a nap because the next night’s sleep can be problematic. Do you have any problem with people taking naps? What do you think is the ideal amount of time for a normal nap?

Don't underestimate the power of a nap! It's not a sign of weakness; it's a reset for your body and mind. Share on X

What Is The Ideal Nap Length?

This twenty-minute mark is about right. A twenty-minute nap will not get you into a deep sleep. It will give your body a break. I’ll set my timer for 27 minutes. I’ll wake up a little bit before, or I won’t fall asleep immediately, but I get my full 5 to 7 minutes to get into that nap and wake up.

A 20-minute nap is the sweet spot. It gives your body a break without sending you into a deep sleep, leaving you refreshed and ready to go. Share on X

About a 20 to 30-minute nap is my ideal nap. I don’t want to do it longer than that. It makes it groggy.

Our sleep cycles are 90-minute chunks. You start getting into that 90-minute chunk, and now you need to keep on going. If you’ve ever woken up in the middle of the night and looked at your watch, and it’s like, “I’ve got three more hours of sleep.” It gets interrupted. If you’ve got three more hours, you’re going to be good. If you have two hours, you should say, “Do I get up, walk around for about 30 minutes, and go back to bed? Do I plan for only 90 more minutes of sleep and get up?”

If you try to do the full two hours, you’ll feel more groggy. Your body is going to feel like, “I had time to go deep and do another 90-minute cycle as opposed to two hours.” This is why when you start looking at what the normal sleep cycles are, 90 minutes seems to be the spot. When you think about our ideal sleep times, a lot of people do well with six hours. The next person is going to do well at seven and a half hours.

Seven and a half hours is my ideal sleep. Jason is six.

The difference between 6 and 7 and a half is 90 minutes. After seven and a half, it is nine.

That’s too much. The teenagers need nine. They might go ten and a half.

They could, but they could do that through the day while the rest of us are like, “No.” That’s why the rest is important. You get enough of a neurological reset at 20 to 30 minutes that you’re rested, and you’re ready to go again. The other part of that twenty-minute rest is interesting. Let me remember. It’s why coffee naps work.

Adenosine connects to these receptors, and caffeine will also hit. It makes you tired. As you take a nap, that gets cleared out of said receptors where caffeine would come back in. A lot of people will drink a cup of coffee, lie down for 20 to 30 minutes, and back up, and they’re like, “I’m refreshed. I’m ready to go.” This is why the concept of the coffee nap works well.



We’re going down a rabbit hole here, which is fine. Melatonin, sleep aids, and sleeping medicines. One of our favorite things to help sleep is magnesium.

This is Protocol for Life’s Magtein. Magtein is a brand name. The actual ingredients are magnesium 3 and 8, the patent of which is owned by MIT. This is synthetic, but it crosses the blood-brain barrier, one of the few that does. It helps with sleep.

For me, it’s about half an hour before I go to bed, and I feel good.

Here’s what’s interesting. Let’s see which nights I forget. On Sunday night, I forgot. On Monday, I ran out and forgot to grab a bottle on Tuesday. I didn’t have it on Tuesday. On both of those nights, sleep was okay. Not fantastic, but I was still wired, watching TV until close to midnight on those nights because I didn’t take it. When I take this, my brain starts to shut down. It tells me that I need to go to bed. I can shut off stuff. I’m still alert enough that I don’t want to miss seventeen episodes of whatever I’m watching on Netflix because it finally said, “Are you still awake?”

Are you still there? Shut up, Netflix. I do what I want, stupid Netflix. I feel like they’re judging me whenever they ask me that question.

They don’t ask me anymore. They know I’m good.

Melatonin, Sleep Aids, And Sleeping Medicines

They know I’m still there. The other thing about melatonin is to use it sparingly. A lot of people are like, “Use it every night. It’s fine. It’s natural.” It’s a hormone. It’s something that I have at my house, but I don’t use it nightly. I use it on the rare occasion when I feel I can’t shut my brain off, and it doesn’t help you sleep long-term. It helps you fall asleep.

Don't be afraid to try natural remedies like magnesium and melatonin for sleep before resorting to prescription medications. Share on X

Melatonin is a better supplement to use when you are traveling across time zones, and you are flying out early in the morning. You’re getting up at 1:00 AM to get to the airport, and you don’t already have a good sleep habit. When I flew down to Texas, it was 1:00 AM. At about 10:00, I was done. I took my magnesium because I made sure to bring that along. That put me to sleep, and I didn’t have a problem. I don’t know if I would take melatonin now. I’ve never had a problem sleeping as I jump time zones. I have more problems waking up, and my brain doesn’t like time zones or daylight savings time.

If somebody’s having a rough time and they went to their medical doctor and they’re like, “I’ve got this cool drug that you can take,” what’s that one that everybody takes?

It’s Ambien.

I would much rather you try magnesium and melatonin or start with magnesium because that one is good for your body. Add the melatonin. It’s not terrible for you. There are some studies that show that it is good when you have COVID or a cold.

Melatonin is a hormone, but there might have been benefits to having said hormone circulating at that time.

Adding it to your protocol, like, “I have a cold. I’m going to sleep.” Take some melatonin because there are some signs that it does some good things.

We have to remember that the entire reason you don’t talk about Fight Club is because he couldn’t get sleep meds. He needed real, natural sleep.

I haven’t seen that movie in a long time.

It is a good movie. We’re on a movie roll.

It makes me want to buy some soap. I bet it was a good soap. We’re not your doctors, or maybe we are, but ask us personally. Talk to your doctor. My rule of thumb would be to go with the more natural things before you go into the atomic bomb of Ambien because you might learn that you sleepwalk, and that’s scary.

One of the other questions I’ve gotten is, why doesn’t everyone do this type of work? A patient comes in. They have amazing results. They’ve seen other chiropractors and other doctors. Why doesn’t anyone know about this? Why does my other chiropractor not practice this type of chiropractic care? The answer I typically go with is you don’t know what you don’t know. God led me down this path to this type of chiropractic care. There were many odd ways that I found out about it. I suffered from ill health for many years.

When I got to a point where my body was starting to respond to this care, and I could tell that this was making a difference, I knew that this was what I had to do with my life. That’s how I found it. There are many people who don’t have that chronic illness that makes them look down this path to find this weird type of chiropractic care. It’s not weird. We’re still chiropractors, but we do spend an awful lot of time looking at one joint.

Why Doesn’t Everyone Do This Type Of Chiropractic Work?

I have made the statement multiple times that 80% of the population responds well to chiropractic, but 20% of us need this upper cervical work time and time again. It’s a made-up stat, folks. Remember that. I made it up, but it’s close.

We’re not here for the 20%. We’re here for the 100%. You can come in as somebody who would respond to conventional chiropractic care and still get upper cervical care. It works amazingly. For that 20% of people who have been through six other doctors, they come in, and they’re broken. They’re broke. They spent so much money, and they’re like, “I don’t know if I can spend any more money on myself on this stuff.”

Convincing them that, “I see an issue, and I do think this is going to help. We can’t ever promise anything. It’s rare that we see someone not respond to care. It breaks my heart when it happens. I can count on one hand how many people there are in a year’s time. Most of them quit too soon, and I get it. There are some that this wasn’t the right technique for them.

We don’t make promises. The reason you haven’t seen this is, first of all, we are trying to get the word out. We’re doing this show. I do videos on TikTok and Instagram. I work with another group of doctors that are putting out videos. We’re trying to get the word out, and the word is getting out. We need people like you reading who can say, “I heard about this different thing. Migraines might be caused by this.”

You’ve got to do the research. When you start doing the research, you go down the rabbit hole, or they do. They end up right in this office. Several years later, they could be the next doctor if they’ve got the prereqs done. That’s my answer to that. Do you have any other things to add about why more chiropractors don’t do this work?

A lot of it is we have maybe 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 schools that teach this as part of their curriculum, whereas there are not quite twenty schools across the country that don’t. Out of twenty schools, a quarter of them teach this work.

Not everyone who goes through the school learns it.

Let’s back up and be extra fair on that. There are a lot of people who go through the chiropractic curriculum who don’t learn how to adjust. I don’t know if that’s still the case, but at one point in time, you could graduate from chiropractic school and never have to adjust a patient. We know people in our classes who never received a chiropractic adjustment through the school.

I can’t. Can you imagine I’m going to become a dentist and never going to a dentist?

How many surgeons have never had surgery on themselves? If you don’t know that it’s available to you as a healthy individual to improve your health and function because most people think, “I’m healthy. I don’t have to take any drugs. I don’t have any problems.” They can’t even see the small problem they have. Quick case in point, I’ve got a young lady. She trains hard. She feels like she’s strong, and her workouts are good. I’m trying to talk her off a ledge and say, “No, four days. That’s it. On the other days, you can do mobility, but four days a week is plenty of your hard training.”

What’s interesting is she’s like, “My knee and my calf are giving me grief. I start doing my thing and trying to figure out what’s going on.” Her calf is on fire compared to the other one, which wasn’t an issue. I’m doing some light trigger point work. She said “aw” a lot. I have her turn over, and all I do is see how strong her ankle strength is. It’s her tibialis anterior strength.

For those of you who know your knees-over-toes stuff, that’s what the tib bar is for. She has great strength. If you want to try this with your loved ones or friends at home, sit so that your leg is fully supported. Pull your toe towards your head and have somebody try to pull the toe down with their hands. They’re not going to be able to do it. Your tibialis anterior muscle will keep your toes pointing to your head longer.

Her side that is giving her grief was weak. She doesn’t even know that it’s weak because it’s not something that she trains. A lot of people will train that bilaterally anyway. You’ll miss that you’ve got one side that’s weak. The front is weak on that leg. The back is trying to compensate for a motion it can’t do, but it’s overcompensating, and now everything feels horrible. As a result, she gets plantar fasciitis. That still is a problem after surgery.

Sometimes, you have to start asking the question. What is everything else connected to? The presentation for all the chiropractors, for all our Blair folks who are reading, my presentation in October 2024 will address this. How do you follow the rabbit hole when you hear of something? What else could be going on that might be involved? That is the case of the person who’s like, “They’re getting better, but they’re not getting better fast enough or something else is going on.” Did you ask the questions that will lead you to the answer that you can deliver to them properly? Why don’t people do this? It’s because it’s a lot of work. It is. If it’s not taught in the curriculum, they’re not going to do it.

Find it outside. You have to go outside the box. It’s hard. Sometimes, something hurts someone, and we go somewhere else to try to address it. They’re like, “It hurts you, Doc.” I’m like, “I understand that. We don’t need to touch that.”

I saw this article on statins. It was a dumb article on Medscape saying, “We now have statin or cholesterol deniers.” One of the things that they were saying is how hard it is for people to lower their cholesterol by diet alone. I want to ask you a question. How are you doing back on keto?

On and off.

You’re not worried about your cholesterol.

If I’m doing keto, I’m not worried at all about cholesterol. It’s much better when you’re eating right.

As soon as you know, it’s like, “I overdid it this weekend.” You can get back on it because it’s easy to fall off, but you knew Monday morning you were going to be back on it and focusing on eating more protein and doing all the things. When people don’t explain to you that there’s a certain way and protocol to do this, they’re going to fail. It’s the same problem with med school. When the med school folks say, “You can’t do it with diet,” it’s because they don’t have the tools to help you do it right.”

Their mentality is it’s impossible. You can’t do it. We see it all the time. People do it. I don’t find cholesterol to be much of an issue. We don’t want crazy high cholesterol. What cholesterol is telling me is that your inflammation is high.

Depending upon the marker, the latest study that came out says, “If your cholesterol number is under 200, your mortality rates are higher.” We went in the wrong direction. We overcorrected and didn’t ask the right questions as to what is going on.

We’ve covered that in a previous episode. If anybody wants to look that up, we have a statin episode. We’ve covered a lot. We didn’t get through exactly one. We’ll do that maybe next week or the week after. We’re going to talk to AI and see what AI has to say about some of these common health questions. We will decide if AI is smarter than us.

Probably not. They’ll come up with interesting answers. I love it every time I put something in, and the AI populates it with some responses that are like, “Go ahead and check this because these answers are generated by AI and may not be right.” If you ask AI to give you some references to some court cases and maybe some research studies, AI will make them up on the spot.

It makes stuff up. It’s incredible. I sometimes use AI for other stuff, like a social media post or two. Where can they find you, Dr. Schurger?

I am at Keystone Chiropractic in Springfield, Illinois. It’s It’s Keystone Doc on Instagram. I’ll post some kettlebell videos. I haven’t done that in a while.

I’m sure everybody is going to be wanting to see those. I’m going to be watching all of them. I’m Dr. Beth Bagley. I am in St. Louis, Missouri. You can get to our office at You can follow me on TikTok @DrBethBagley.

Can they text your office number so they can get in touch with you?

You can now, but this week, it was messed up.

My office number can also be texted or called. We like both. We’re using all the technology so you don’t have to have any barriers to reach out to us. Like, subscribe, and make sure you share this show with your friends. We need more people reading this because the people who aren’t reading this, who don’t necessarily get it directly, they’re suffering, and we don’t want them to suffer anymore. They’re your friends and family. They might be even your mother. You always want to make sure Mom is doing great.

You got to take care of mom.

Mom was right. Get your head on straight.

That’s what we help with. Have a good week, everyone.

Bye, everyone.


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